Are you right handed or left handed?

  • Righty
  • Lefty
0 voters

I recently re edited a whole video for left handed players (shameless plug and after spending hours redoing what i already done, i wondered what percentage of players are even left handed being that most tutorials seem to be for right handed players.

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Oh awesome thanks for the lefty version!

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I feel like most issues with this could be resolved by just using the terms “throw hand” and “non-throw hand” instead of right and left.

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Youre welcome man! I hope it helps out!

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100% true but the slight perfectionist in me wont allow it haha. Ive gotten comments on how it actually helped them remember it easier as its easier to not mis remember 2 identical sounding words. And i remember this really bothering me when i first started off for a few months, like yeah i got used to it but still is unideal imo

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That’s valid. I think its awesome that you’re trying to make yoyo easier and more accessible. And, I’d say, you’re doing an excellent job!

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Thanks man that means a lot to hear, thank you!

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