Are you more of a yoyo collector or a player?

For sure a collector but I do throw every once and a while. Mostly collect OD have almost at least one of every model. Missing 6 I believe!




Which ones are you missing? Having a complete one drop collection is a goal of mine as well that I’ve considered giving up at times / reducing the scope of lol (like, complete one drop organics collection or something).




Lab experiment, vanguard, 3 2016 benchmarks, and a dang 2


One thing I like about “collecting” is I don’t feel the need to trade off or sell any of my yoyos.
My best friend here on these forums has sold tons of his throws off to fund new purchases of new yoyos. And that’s great for him…he only keeps the yoyos he really likes and gets to try out a lot of stuff.

But once a (green) yoyo hits my collection it stays. Even if I never throw it, I’m totally okay with just having it sit on display with the rest of my collection. It still adds enjoyment just in itself for me.


Unintentional collector.

Kinda by default, I planned to buy as I got better but my skills significantly lagged my purchases. Since I have more Yo-Yos than tricks - COLLECTOR Final Answer!


I totally get this. I don’t have a huge collection, but once I buy something it’s mine. I never consider selling anything. A yoyo may not be a favorite, but it’s what I wanted at the time, and it’s part of my yoyo journey.


I’m a person that has never been a fan of labels (not throwing shade at you, it’s just my opinion). I like to yoyo, it is fun and I’m not harming the world or myself with it. I got like 12, and they are 12 I hunted down by making more trades than I care to admit. I don’t baby them but I’m also not careless. I found that taking this crap too seriously takes away the fun of it all.


This isn’t necessarily true. Its quite easy to find that extra hour or so if you wake up an hour earlier or go to sleep an hour later. Also it doesnt have to be an hour straight… Can be multiple 10 minute sessions throughout the day on your down time. Obviously its harder for some than others but you can easily find that time if its something you really want to do. People always find the time to do things they enjoy.


You can practice and watch TV. The “average” adult spends more than an hour watching shows.


More of a player, but it’s fun to wait for stuff in the mail, addictive really.


I consider myself a player but I have about 75 yo-yos. When I got back into yo-yo I went crazy and bought a lot. But now it’s harder to get excited about something that is so similar to something I already have.


I’m better at collecting than i am at throwing… it’s easier to buy stuff than to elevate my skill set. Though i do throw quite a bit, probably an hour or so a day. I tend to do the same tricks in varied order and try to link them but i don’t push my limits often. when i get bored with the same old stuff, I’ll learn something new and integrate it. Don’t know if that makes me a player… but i do like to play… so… both?


Enjoy the throw my friends.
Have a great weekend



Player. Over the past year and a half I have rarely gotten a new yoyo that I have liked more than something I already had. This keeps me from buying more yoyos. It’s a serious problem paying $50 and up just to experience those first glorious minutes after an unboxing only to find myself an hour later reaching for a yoyo that I truly love and have had for awhile.


I haven’t touched my poor yoyos in months…but They’re going to the grave with me! haha :stuck_out_tongue:
I REALLY need to jump back into yoing this summer! :yo-yo:


100% relate with this!


i feel for this!


I am a yo-yo enthusiast that enjoys throwing everyday.
I like so much stuff about yo-yoing, design, the community, the good nature of most throwers, videos of the masters of the art, the history of throwers, companies, designers and the fans, tutorials, reviews and reviewers.
I can not pick either but I can explain what mode I am in.

Personally, I switch back and forth between playing and collecting modes. I would consider myself in a yo-yo player mode for the past few months. After being on a collection run for a while 2 years.
My moderate size collection is at a very nice place. I keep my collection out and throw every throw at least once a week for a few min session. I have a yo-yo go bag for throws that have been loved and are aloud out side. I have an M1 beater in my pocket every day for the specific ability to throw while waiting for anything and work on a trick or trick element.

I consider a trick learned when I can land it on all my throws.
(When possible, design limitations aside)
That sounds like a throwers rule to me


I feel like player and collector are just two lines on a “thrower type” radar graph. This could also include lines for style related things, or style could be a different graph, but If you’re here you are probably a “player” to some degree and a “collector” to some degree.