Are RESPONSIVE players a threat to Yo-Yo?

But, but the snacks!

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It all started with responsive. I don’t think I’m a threat?

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To be determined…

I believe the jury is still out on this?


I do have a battery powered light up yoyo.

I might be a threat afterall.

Does this mean I have to get rid of all of my non-responsives?

(You will have to pry them out of my cold, dead fingers…)


source: boss @MarkD


A deeper state killed my identical twin!!! Responsive yoyos must be stopped. We were IBentical


“In my day we played with the Yo-Yo not the String’” Gene Muck 1923 YoYo Champion as described by Mark McBride aka Godfather of 3A

What Goes Up must Come Down and maybe Around the World…


YoYo boomer here. Can confirm. I’m terrible at unresponsive, but I had to touch an Oasis. It was like a holy shrine; an Organic Mecca. Seriously though, I’m becoming more interested in unresponsive and 5A recently. It’s always good to mix things up.

Learning the Iceberg Stall got me interested in learning responsive 5A and after playing 95% responsive for so long, I found unresponsive to be very entertaining again.


From @EOS44
“wow, I haven’t seen a yo-yo in years! Can you do Spencer Berry’s RANCID MILK”-Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged “
Why yes. Yes I can. Here hold my YooHoo.
Also I’m not deranged but I’m going to be saying this for years to come.
You get props for showing close personal friend of mine Brian F. You are correct, He’s a Real yo-yoer. That guy will scramble your noodle.
Thank you for your time.


Truth talk. As a newbie player I was first drawn in by unresponsives. Then i discovered my love for responsives.

Ive been amassing a well rounded collection though, and ive been enjoying trying a wide range of throws and styles. I feel its even helping me improve faster than if I focused down on just a few yoyos or a specific style.

Im around 14 months into yoyoing, but decided to go from dabbling to take it seriously just this year so around 2-3 months of real progress.

So far 0A, 1A, a smidge of 2A and now dabbling with 5A. All stuff that has helped me, and nothing i havent enjoyed.

Its like music, variety is the spice of life!