Seems with the YoYo Boomers Club etc, Responsive players are on the uprise. This may be a dangerous group especially since they are from the generation that is motivated and has a measurable attention span.
It’s true they may loose a few soldiers, the ones who don’t want to be mainstream, but can this renegade group be allowed to exist unchecked gaining critical mass?
Pretty soon the term “Old Heads” will not be allowed to be spoken. - What happened to Freedom of Speech?!
Heaven forbid creating an actual competition responsive division in Yo-Yo Contests. Say it ain’t so!
(the world is a beautiful cat and i must meow meow meow)
I think we should rebrand responsive yoyos to responsible yoyos. They come back to your hand when you tug on them, that’s just the way it should be, the responsible way. Your responsible pets and various offspring all come to you when you call them (I hope), why should your yoyo not too?
IMO we need Common Sense responsive yoyo laws. Turns out any old coot can go into Walmart and pick up a Butterfly and just starting throwing it in the parking lot. Is this the kind of future we want for our kids?