Anyone with New Breed

Is the bearing supposed to fall out of the bearing seat without any pliers?

yes the bearing seat is very shalow

It doesn’t matter. Yoyos aren’t always “Exactly” the same, and some are different in small areas. Some of the yoyos have thick bearing seats, some have thin bearing seats. (Not much difference, maybe half a milimeter) Some don’t require pliers, some do. As long as the yoyo still spins well, you shouldn’t be too worried.

But does the yoyo still wind up tightly, and unwind smoothly? As long as it does, you don’t need to worry.

Yeah its winding and unwinding smoothly

thanks for the help guys

The bearing seat is shallow, but sometimes it falls out, sometimes it doesn’t. It happens with most yoyos, but not every single one. It can fall out once in a while.

Yea, a lot of them are different. Mine is stuck in the bearing seat. So I have to use pliers.

mine dont sit in the bearing seat everytime i open the yoyo the bearing falls out lol