Here you go BuddhaFusion
BUMP!!!BUMP!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Dude any prizes for winning and I am still trying to get a ride.
hahaha not funny >:( jk
wait winning what?
Arnt meets usually comps? For gymnastics we call comps meets my bad…
oh no this is just a big get together to have fun and meet other yoyoers and stuff
and you do gymnastics! how do you pput your legs behind your head i tried and pulled a musle.
Cant wait!
Hey James are you still making sick string.
Dude how immature have you ever watched male gymnastics? I bet you will never be able to half the stuff I could.
no serious though how do you do it
Ok first off I don’t want this thread to become a flame war so I will answer with sincere respect… Contortionists put their legs behind their head, gymnasts do things like tumbling, high bar, and p-bar. If you have any more questions I will “happily” answer them in a PM. P.S. you stretch to prep yourself for it before you go and hurt yourself, why don’t you check out a real gymnastics video.
bump one more week!
omg 2 days away!
Dude I want to go to hang out but I don’t know. I am usually home alone on saturdays. I wanna show off my Ministar!!!
Hey have fun and say hi to everyone Buddhafusion for me thx.
Last Bump!
I probably won’t come since I have no ride
and I’m too lazy to get my lazy butt out the door
Commin, can’t wait!
EDIT: I will probably be there at one because I just got done mowing the lawn and I need to take a shower… lol. And my little bro is at his final playoffs for his baseball game. But like I said, I will be there around one. Pre-apologizing for being late.