Anyone know any contests coming up?

Hi! Ive been itching to go to a yoyo contest all summer. Besides the national contest (which is too far for me to go ) does anyone know any upcoming contests near the new England area?


Anybody, plz.

Its not really in the NE area but Georgia States is on October 27th.

Illinois states
Iowa states
Pennsylvania states

Whan are the penn states?

both Illinois and Penn states are on November 23rd

Really? Pa states are still going? If that’s the case my b day is the 22nd that sounds like the perfect b day for me anyone else?

PA states just has to be an 8 hour drive. Oh well…

The most recent one that I’m aware of is NER, or Z-games, which is unfortunately in April.

Iowa states is october 19th right?

I’m pretty sure