When I moved into my current apartment in November 2007 I plugged the cable into my cheap used TV and saw I had cable for the first time since 1992. I called the cable company and asked if I could keep the cable service and switch it over to my name. They said they had no record of cable service for my address. I figured it would go off in a month and I’d live without cable until I moved. The cable stayed on until early 2018 when channels started going away and the cable company aired commercials about the need to get the digital cable box. All channels went away by March. I got the digital box and the 80 channel introductory rate of $76 a month for one year. It’s now $125. The rate would go up $8 every 5-8 months and I see that continuing. Forget it. There’s one cable company for my region and their internet rates keep going up too. I think I am going to say ba-bye! to this company. I have an iphone with unlimited data and that will serve me just fine.
We had 5 channels as a kid and when the President was making an address you were screwed with nothing to watch.
I worked for a satellite company and got service for free. We made a clean start and moved across country. We quit satellite and decided to not get cable in our temporary apartment. We have Prime, Netflix and then we bought a Roku box.
Have to say we will not get a paid TV service again.
I don’t do this, but my brother will sign up for a streaming service, him and his family will binge the heck out of what they want then drop it. I’m too lazy to go thru that hassle and we only watch about 2.5 hrs of tv a day to really binge anything.
Since it has been said we are now entering/entered the “subscription” age, I’m waiting for the streaming service to catch on to folks like my brother and start forcing “commitment” / early termination packages.
I mean how long do you think the monster that is Disney will allow people to sign up for a month, binge all the seasons of the Mandalorian and all the Marvel Tv series?
We just have Netflix, and library DVDs. Every fall I think about setting up an antenna for NFL games, but never get around to it.
I just cut / cancelled my $126 per month cable service and am working on cutting out other non-essential expenses in order to save money. It’ll be weird to come home today and not turn on the TV unless I want to watch a movie or a series on DVD. The wifi rates are ridiculously high here so I am taking a pass on that. I once went 15 years without even owning a television set and never even missed it. The TV I own now has a built in DVD player.
Don’t forget you can listen to the Radio
Did I get RossRolled?
We had cable and internet for the last 5 years (cable only because it was free/included in rent).
We just moved and I cut the cable, kept the internets!
Not paying $50/mo plus $8/mo per cable box for basic broadcast…nothing good on broadcast anyway besides The Price is Right and TCM
On cable internet, they bundled a tv package with it but we don’t watch it. The jokers gave us an SD box when we signed up 5 years ago. They try and try to force us to “upgrade” to an HD package and we’re like, pff. We don’t watch it, so no. We just use our Roku and mostly watch Netflix, Hulu, Prime, PBS, and tons of free stuff like Tubi, Pluto, etc. One benefit of having the bundle is we can sign into all of the channel apps we’re interested in and get the HD streams and back catalog of shows too. So we really have no need to hook up the tv box at all.