Anyone heard of SoSerious yoyos?

On YYE there is a bimetal by a spanish yoyo company called SoSerious. Called the chronos. It is a pretty old yoyo too. I have never heard of or seen that yoyo brand until 2 days ago. YYE just randomly recommended that yoyo to me even though I thought I have seen every single yoyo on this website.

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I have played with the Soserious yo-yos and my favorite is the Hermes, followed by the Chronos which is more organic and fun.
The Prometheus has great performance but it’s not my favorite profile…And a fun fact:The designer of Duncan’s Grasshopper also participated in the design of Prometheus :wink:


Yes. My 2 Pennie’s, I had a Chronos from a long time ago. I it was very smooth, deep undercuts, very stable, the ano job was top notch. I really enjoyed the throw it was super powerful. Someone posted looking for a SoSerious Chronos, I had at the time received a throw I had been looking for so was feeling good, so I help someone hunt down the throw they were hunting for.


Dude this thing looks crazy, not sure I’ve seen a bi metal with such a pronounced undercut before. Reminds me of a Glacier Express or Avant Garde 2 but with SS rims… wild

Pinging @nightshadow

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It’s a bi-metal X3 Zeus. There were discussions like 10 years ago about how the Zeus was the only “good” undercut yoyo design.

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I have a few of the Chronos yo-yos.

Never got to try their other models.

The Chronos is an excellent yoyo with one drawback.

The edges of the rims are sharp enough to scrape paint off the side of a house.

I have yet to come up with an answer for why somebody can/could design and produce such a nice playing yo-yo and just fail on such an easily avoidable ergonomic detail? Sharp edges may have justifiable explanations. But there is no logical reason for sharp rims on a yo-yo.

Fortunately, I got over that design shortcoming after remembering that I actually know a few things about modding yo-yos. So…. I just chucked up the halves and took care of the problem.

The Chronos is a really nice yo-yo, regardless…

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The Chronos is a great yo-yo, if you like undercuts.

It’s an extreme shape for sure, and the performance is definitely there. I reach for mine often.


I guess SoSerious had a knack for designing more extreme shapes. I have an El Serio and it plays great. Fast and powerful with a very nice and even weight distribution.


Liebe es! Super yoyo - eine homage ans Luchador.

But reminds me from play way more of the YoyoJam H3X


May I ask why SoSerious?


Love their remake of the X3 Zeus also. The chronos both really cool yo-yos

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Anyone out there that can Please sell me their Chronos?! Its my personal Grail and ive never had a chance to buy one new or used. I’ll trade, I’ll pay, I’ll trade and pay, I’ll over pay haha probably shouldn’t of said that haha…but i have literally dreamed about this master piece and my collection will never be complete without it