Anyone have tips on getting out of a trick block?

Ok so, ever since i won NYSYC(ny state yoyo contest), i’ve been in a giant trick block where i can’t create any tricks. Any help?


Play some fixed axle (0A). Every Feb when I start to throw fixed I go back to 1A and it just seems different…. almost easier. It seems to change my pacing so maybe it will inspire some new moves for you.


draw inspiration from the players around you, it takes a lot of effort and to come up with unique concepts, especially as we progress more and more into modern unresponsive yoyoing

whenever I’m in a rut I’ll usually just go try to learn tricks from players I look up to, and when I do that I learn some new elements or find myself in familiar formations that I’ve seen in other tricks, allowing you to take tricks from different players and mesh them together in new and interesting ways

plus once you have a large stack of elements it just becomes “hmm I’m in X what elements do I know that work from X or places adjacent to X”

also trick rut is always a good time to go back and take another pass at elements that have confused you in the past, I like never throw frontstyle ever and I was surprised to find I just had kind of figured out boing-y-boing after years of being unable to do it well