Anyone ever heard of the Hasbro Top-a-go-go yo-yo?

I bought a 'Hasbro Top-a-go-go yo-yo
from a thrift store in cocoa beach FL today and was wondering if anyone had info on it… I only found 1 website that had any info on it. so does anyone know anything about it?

p.s. if someone could tell me if/how you can take one apart then you’ll become my new favorite person.

Here’s a website I found, scroll down to #816.

I don’t know what information you wanted, but it can definitely be taken apart, as shown in this picture:

I would recommend trying to either just unscrew it REALLY hard (it could just be stuck) or you could try just pulling it apart. Some yo-yos are like that. I hope this helped, let me know.

Thanks but that’s the site i found it on. and it’s not taken apart, there are metal spike-ish things on each side and i think that red thing is a extra piece that came with the yo-yo’s originally. thanks for the help though.

p.s. whoever sold the yo-yo to the thrift store literally ted the string onto the axle so while trying to get it off my brother and i came up with the great idea of sawing it off with a kitchen knife… needless to say we destroyed the axle (I know… we’re idiots) so now it tears up a brand new string in like 3 minutes… so my new question is. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? (If it’s possible that is)

Maybe VERY VERY VERY fine grained sandpaper or even steel wool.