Anyone else's collection far "outskill" them?

An Absolutely brilliant answer, totally centered on Reality and drawn from a most logical mind without Emotion clouding the Trueness of the Words.

…This calls for a 1 man Standing Ovation. And a 3 thumbs up(I borrowed a thumb from my girl).

Easily the Best response in this thread………


You are way too kind.


Magic hertz still my favourite


Well, I actually have A LOT to say on this topic! (takes deep breath)…… uh….never mind.

(Catch you guys in 6 months when someone else tags me in a discussion, and I poke my head back into forum-land)


When you stroll the BST you should check the new YYR Wonder if you did not already (undercut).
Keep it horizontal :smile: and till in 6 month.


We need someone to stir the pot please @nightshadow

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Um… picked up my Brother-in-law’s MYY Aurora and proceeded to fail repeatedly at Trapeze and his Brother…

This is moments after tossing a Swipe Double GT into some Eli Hops on my PwrHouse.

If you’re not used to a throw, the yoyo might decide to make you look like a total nincompoop. :rofl:


I have 75-80 yo-yos. Ranging in price from freebies to my prized Unknown edition Few and Far Between Inception that was just over $200 after shipping. And I can’t do roller coaster or split the atom.


Don’t feel bad, after 5 years I’m still working on sleeper with an unresponsive yoyo. I feel like I’m almost there.


It sounds as if you have focused much of your energy on the collection side of things, and why not. If there was not a wide array of yoyos available to buy and collect do you think you would still be drawn to the hobby as much?


I definitely need to focus more on learning. But I’ve learned a lot. Just need to fill in the gaps. It’s more a matter of learning the order of the trick elements for me.


I hope everyone’s collection is capable of more than what they can do with their yoyos. How else are you going to progress?


I feel Like I’ve been making decent progress

I mean I’ve been around since 1997 and I am very close to taking the challenge of learning my 1st trick.

As soon as I figure out now to put the string on the yo-yo, I’ll be rockin like Dokken!

I’m using a Duncan Imperial. I set it down in the driveway first, and ran over it a few times with my truck to make sure the yo-yo didn’t outskill me. It does have a little vibe coming up the string

Almost didn’t notice the vibe until the lens fell out of my Sunglasses.


most of my collection has potential way beyond my present skill level. but as an example of outskilling a yoyo, the butterfly xt can’t handle my advanced 1a freestyle… granted i’m using it to learn 0A tricks.


Beautiful collection! I need a case like that.

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I mean to be honest people back in the day probably did more with a fast 201 than I could ever hope to do, so with 100 percent certainty my collection outskills me. If I somehow outskill the fast 201 I’ll never clear the hitman hurdle.

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Yeah got a non responsive think its called n11 and im only just learning to bind

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So……’if’ ……’if’ you want to get technical, the conclusion could be drawn that ‘if’ a person is absolutely new to yo-yos and knows nothing ‘yet’, if he has a Duncan Imperial, he is Outskilled by his yo-yo?

….Yo-yos have no skill.

They have various levels of performance potential.

A yo-yo is a toy or tool, depending on intent, but has no skill only potential.

Its all about Mindset in this thread, it seems.

Consequently, within that Mindset, at least 90 percent of everybody on this forum and on the active yo-yo planet known as Earth are All Out Skilled by their ‘Collection’.

Funny stuff…

No matter how advanced the yo-yo is, without a human connected to it, it is nothing more than a Paperweight.


But doc, some of them are really fine looking paperweights.


Sure thing! I don’t find myself playing with yoyos too often so that’ll be a great way to get me to play more!