any yoyoers around here?

What’s a yoyo?

I have no idea, I think it’s a round thing attached to a string that does stupid stuff. Just a dumb kids toy IMO :wink:


I thought yoyos were made of wood and were used as weapons and had motors with the string tied in a knot around the axle that you can do Walk the Dog with.

Ohhh, that’s why everyone wants to see walk the dog. (Not that I play with those silly things)

…u mean those skinny things that hurt people? Play with two metal disks, a string, a spinny thing, and a chainsaw.

Wait,who died???

Like the Duncan butterfly yoyo right? Can you do walk the dog?

I do

whats a jojo? :stuck_out_tongue: sounds like a drink.

What is this 1920? No one yo-yo’s anymore. Dang hipsters…

I heard this guy does yoyo, look how ridiculous he is.