Come on anyone…it would be awesome if Andre Boulay and Eric Koloski responded to this…!
right here bro! we are wicked sweet!
Check out the A2Z science and learning store:
Free yoyo classes and holds a yoyo club meet once a month.
YoYoExpert are you Andre Boulay?
Yea that is Andre, duhhh.
PHAZZE and I are in pepperell, Mass.
I live in Hyde park MA. Andre can you tell if there is going to be a State Yo-Yo Contest in MA In 2010? You know this one. Nice to know there are fellow yo-yo-ers in MA. If only A2Z wasn’t 2 hours away.
I so wannna goooo. But my dad isn’t going to drop me off there go back home and pick me up.
LOTS! Rebecca, Rocket, and I do!
If Only…anyone know any closer yoyo meets / trainings to hyde park?
I’m from Mass :] We’re working to get some indoor space to start a yoyo club more towards Boston/the Eastern side of the state. A2Z is a long ways off for many of us, and I know there’s a lot of interest!
Edit: This should be moved. Definitely in the wrong section.
That would be awesome!
Where Should I move this? To me this seems the best place. Maybe Toys R Us in Dedham will let us do our meets there, or a libary. Or a school gym.When ever you guys get the chance ask. On YYN there was a yoyo meet at Brookline at someones house but no one would want almost 100% strangers to go in thier houses. Im sure people will respond to someone with a lot of reputation cough andre boulay cough Now now now where can we get him…
Well Andre did respond to this so woohoo :o ;D
I thought it was him when I saw his fav trick was Gyroscopic Flop and Dark Magic and someone in his trade reviews said he was Andre. Do I get a cookie? Or even better a cookie shaped yoyo?
Most yoyos are cookie shaped
I heard that cookies where invented from the shape of yo-yo-s…everyone has to like yoyos now mwahahah. (( this topic is getting off topic )) ANSWER ME ANDRE…IS THERE GOING TO BE A MA STATE YOYO CONTEST IN 2010??? Sorry bout caps
Wouldn’t It be amazing If someone made a yo called the cookie? or better yet, An edible yo-yo made from cookie dough!!! ;D
yum! lol
That’ll be my christmas snack. A batch of yo-yo cookies! ;D