I have practised for weekssssss
but still cannot do this.
I know how to do the trick but I can never land the yoyo on the string :’(
should I need to pop the yoyo higher??
I have not enough time to pull the string by the free hand
Here comes another problem
when I do reverse slack trap, I need to throw the slack until my throw hand cross the free hand and need to throw very hard.
But I see prople do it just move a little bit and then the slack can travel around the free pointer…
Is that my skill of throwing slack is not right??
The trick on this site is a Brent Stole. I’m not sure why Andre wanted to call it Triangle Laceration instead. Technically it is a triangle laceration, but everyone knows the trick as Brent Stole and that’s what the video that first showed it called it (by Alex Berenguel).
The funny thing is that the trick called Green Triangle Laceration (by Houdini) is actually more of a Green Triangle Whip, but because that’s the name Houdini gave it, it stuck.
You really just have to practice whipping hard. Make sure you make a good solid circle motion. The reason why some people move their hands so little is because they have good technique, and their whipping is strong.
Same Trick. He probably called it TL because the name Brent Stole has no relevance to green triangles.
I like Brent Stole better, the whip is easier imho
That means that you aren’t hitting your finger with both strings. For hook, you are whipping your finger with both strings, and with TL, you whip the bag string.
I’d see that Brent Stole does actually have SOME revelance to Green Triangles. Brent Stole is just a Green Triangle with a wrap around your index finger. It has the same loop that a Green Triangle does, they kind of are the same. There are many ways of getting into a GT, but only one for a Brent Stole.