Any thoughts on how to expand yoyoing

Yoyoing is an amazing sport there is so much you can do with it know it’s not like the stereotypical yo-yo you would think of before yoyoing do you have any ideas on how to expand yoyoing in general


I think almost every person in this forum came to Yoyo in a unique way and most of those ways did not involve someone intentionally trying to get us to see the light of Yoyo. I came to Yoyo through a casual conversation with a guest at work (in 2015) about how I try to do things that make me feel like a kid again and the thought of getting a yoyo came to my mind and I told the guest I was going to get a yoyo. If I was not talking to that guest on that day I doubt I would’ve ever gotten a yoyo because I had not seen or even thought about a yoyo since 4th grade. Yoyo reached out to ME.

There are groups and individuals that bring Yoyo to schools. But as individuals…I think the possibilities are endless. See a lonely / outcast kid somewhere…say hi and show him a trick and put a plastic in his hand and teach him to rock the baby. I don’t there is a step-by-step guide that will work for everyone. I think 99% of the people that get a yoyo get discouraged or lose interest very quickly if there is not someone available to fan the flames of their interest.

I think Yoyo will find the right people at the perfect time. Yoyo knows what it’s doing.


I think yoyoing is pretty expanded already. The possibilities of yoyoing are endless. With 5 current competitive styles and so many innovators around, they are working to change the idea of what yoyoing is. I hope this answers the question.