Any PC gamers on here?

Used to do a lot of PC gaming years ago, but not much since replacing my desktop with a laptop.

Anyone plaed Thief: The Dark Project, Half Life or Deus Ex?

The only game I play is Minecraft. I spend about 3-5 hours per day playing it.

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Once upon a time I was big into Starcraft 1 and 2, Warcraft 3, WoW, DotA, League of Legends, and various other random games like Civilization, DayZ, or ARK. Don’t really game much anymore, and when I do it’s usually just on my Switch for a bit.


My pc’s graphics are awesome. It has a Duncan Grasshopper GTX 1080 Ti


That’s great :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Once I move I will hopefully have good enough internet to play consistently. I reallllllllllllllllllly wanted to play bo4 for the nostolgia maps, but my internet speed is essentially negative. To put it into perspective: sometimes I cant load Netflix at all. I’m not saying a show buffers, I’m saying I cant even get to the home menu.

When my internet is running well I play minecraft and csgo.

Any tips for someone getting into PC gaming?

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Tips on what exactly? Kind of a broad question

It’s a very broad question. I had no direction in mind. Could lead to something interesting :wink:

Idk I guess my answer would depend on what you want to play

If you’re in the market for new games, always check first! It compares the prices from verified key sellers, so you’re always guaranteed to get the lowest price at the time of purchase. It also shows the lowest historical price, so you can see if it’s worth it to maybe wait a bit for another deal.

Oh yea I meant to say this earlier but all the yoyos I bought this week we’re from selling in-game items I had and turning the money into yoyos lmao.

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I don’t own a console but play games on the PC. Only old stuff though really, currently working through Portal 2 :slight_smile:


I just finished Portal 2 two days ago! Such a good game.

:raised_hand: On PC, it’s been mostly Ghost Recon: Wildlands, Killing Floor 2, & Insurgency: Sandstorm. I’m also a big RTS fan, though haven’t played many Total War games due to not having time lately.

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That game is amazing! Here’s my maker ID if you’re interested: N2G-D4G-KWF
I’ve only made one casual/easy level, as it’s my first maker game.

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