I am. I’ve made a few arcade-style games. a Pong clone (with 2-player mode), a game I made up called Climber, and a game called Dodge the Spikes. I’ve also made two platformers, one called Poly the Circle, and one called Toxic.
I also do everything. So programming, art, design, music, sound effects, and testing. 8)
All code? Ouch. I could never do that. Doesn’t it get boring? I’d check this out:
That’s what I use. Makes things sooo easy. Supports C#, Boo(similar to Python), and a modified version of JavaScript; my personal favorite. Also comes with a ton of free scripts to start with. And the community’s great. A lot of member create free scripts and assets for the public to use, even for commercial use. The TornadoTwins have a great series of videos for beginners if your intereste. Not that I think you’re new to making game, but just for Unity.
I checked Unity out; it looks pretty neat.
Perhaps, once I’ve learned how to use it, we could create a game or two.
To answer your question about only using code, it does sometimes get tedious but there is absolutely no overhead. I can work on the guts of my game, and I usually code the engine from scratch.
To me, it’s the same as having a huge collection of digital Legos to put together.