We have a Stormy too! Old and deaf.
oh cool! my Stormy is fat and grouchy and very very spoiled
Just waiting for the day you post about finally caving and taking in little Loki
I know this was from a long time ago, but you live in Toledo OH?
I’m from Toledo - actually live about 20 miles north of Toledo now
My kinda thread. Some good looking kitties in here.
I lived around Toledo all my life until around 4 years ago!
This is Captain Hook who loves all human food. She loves to steal flamin’ hot Cheetoes, but her tastes range all the way to raw brussel sprouts.
That last one is too funny lol
I am happy I created this thread because it has generated lots of cool kitties to look at
Here I am with one of my boys:
is that one Stormy? or a different one?
i’ve heard of a sheep dog but definitely not a sheep cat
Nah that’s my man DUSTY
His breed is: Korat
Pics or it didn’t happen! lol
I think there’s one way up the thread…
Lol, Gregory and Damb are different people…
oops! sorry guys lol