Any advice for laser engraving designs?

I’m gonna start making my yoyos :call_me_hand:t2:. But I really want to put in sick designs on there (anime girls of course) but I’m not sure how bad it’ll warp on the yoyo and such or if there’s anything else I need to be knowledgeable about. If someone could give me some pointers I’d super appreciate it!


Not anime girls again


An image of a whole person is just not aesthetically compatible with a yoyo imo. I’d rather see something like anime girl eyes or maybe other parts of their body on a yoyo. But that’s just my opinion


Eyes would be are cool:

Dang dude, I just discovered this absolute heat the other day, I really want one now.


Agreed. Bought it for the eyes


I guess you could say I ENVY you.


Nah they can look sick


Less is more


I’ve been on this project for some time

Will someone just answer this man’s question and leave the poor anime girls alone? :laughing:

Id never


I really like what they did with the Veylaa.
Engravings are small but super classy. I like this style more than having the hub completely engraved.

you could try 3d priting some prototypes to save costs of actual metal protos

then you can try engraving them to see if there is distortion or other considerations

this way you can try engraving several shapes for cheap

of course this relies on getting access to a 3D printer and/or a laser engraver

I would imagine any good manufacturers would be able to help with the practicalities of engravings

fwiw my initial thought is that the shape will not affect the engravings that much, as long are there are no sharp angles on the bit you want to engrave across

for example it would be easy to engrave a one drop wizard, but hard to do a OD thorn

Do you know what type of laser you’re using? That would make a difference in what tips you need to know.

No idea, literally just asked a manufacturer of they can laser engrave a yoyo, they said yes so I’m like bet haha. Just got a design made that hopefully will turn out fine, pretty thick lines and no fine details so hopefully it good


Looking forward to seeing it.

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Bottom row looks neat, I hate the cluttered look of the top 2.

To be fair, the DM2 had somewhat similar designs on the caps (obviously sans anime girls, but similar shapes in similar places). Though you might hate the look of that one too.

Yeah, I generally prefer sleek designs and dislike graphics on yoyos.
When good yoyos have eye catching engravings I polish them off.

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Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own tastes. The good thing is the amount of yoyos on the market is insane, and you can mod just about anything to better suite your liking.

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