another way to do a split bottom mount a brain twister mount.

2.putt your throw hand pointer finger into the loop.

3.take your non throw hand pointer finger and you actually bring it underneath the yoyo like you did in split the atom.

that is everything. :wink:



Oh hey, it works :slight_smile:

Thanks :smiley:

[size=10pt][size=10pt]another way into 1.5mount[/size][/size]

throw a trapeze,throw hand pointer goes into loop ,move said finger to the left and bam you should be in a 1 and a 1/2 mount!

i say left because im left handed so i think its your right

You’re just doing the last part of Buddha’s Revenge. Not really new.

i dont see how thats the last part of buddahs revenge
i didnt say new i said another way into

Watch the Buddha’s Revenge tutorial here at YYE and you’ll see what I’m talking about.

thats why you say throwhand or non-throw hand

i mean if your right handed your nthf is going to the right
but for me my nthf is going to the left

nthf = non throw hand finger

There’s no point in Buddha’s revenge where you stick your finger in a loop. It’s not new, but it’s not Buddha’s revenge either.

yeah but i think he means
at the end its like the reverse of what i do :stuck_out_tongue:

After the first two parts of Buddha’s Revenge(when you land the yoyo on the bottom string) you’ll be in the same thing as yoYEEKyo has described

ahhh i see yupp yupp