I have to deal with a lot of ignorant people every day. It’s frustrating. I find these people fall into two categories:
Those who are ignorant but are willing to learn.
Those who are ignorant and therefore don’t care to change.
Like, when I came here, I didn’t realize yoyos were made of metal, but I figured plastic. Didn’t know about ball bearings and transaxles but I learned. I didn’t know about things like beadblasting and anodizing and painting and modifications and even plastic dying, yet I learned about them, and in some areas, I have more learning to do. Note, this doesn’t mean I want to do all of this on my own, but I want to open my mind. I think “nobody” around here informed me that you can do a clear anodizing to metals, which I did not know since they always seem to be colored in the end.
When you deal with people who don’t want to listen and you’ve made a best effort, just write it off and move on, you’ve got better things to do with your time. They’ll either come around or they won’t, but either way it’s out of your control.
You have choices to make:
Have fun with your friends or have fun with the yoyo. You don’t have to make a black and white decision. You can do both, but sometimes it may be better to just choose one as the priority, which can still involve both activities. If you’re all hanging and throwing, who cares if it’s metal, plastic or whatever. Don’t let their ignorance get in the way of everyone having a good time. But, I know how it can be sometimes and sometimes you have to step away and just yoyo for yourself. Sometimes it’s best to value friends over yoyos, but sometimes when your friends are being just so out of control with their unwillingness to open up their minds, it’s best to simply do what you can to diffuse the situation, which may involve walking away from the situation entirely.
Remember, this is supposed to be fun.
Based on what I knew about yoyos prior to coming here in May of 2011, I had no clue yoyos went high tech with guts and technology. Maybe it’s easier to grasp when it’s presented in a more “sterile” environment such as YYE. But, I let my mind be open to new ideas and concepts about all things yoyo. But then again, outside of my kids, I’m pretty much in yoyo isolation, despite the California State finals being pretty much “in my backyard”. Even so, if someone said a yoyo was made of metal, I’d at first been a little bit hesitant to accept that without some sort of proof. Metal feels different than plastic and wood. A ding or scratch that pieces the ano would be tangible proof of that.
I don’t know what else to say. Take them to the YYE website and show them the model in question. Take it to the manufacturer’s web site and show them the model in question.
I had to have a yelling/screaming match with a customer regarding a model I designed and wrote the firmware for. I mean, I designed it, wrote the firmware, wrote the manual. It even said in the manual the procedure I was trying to tell them over the phone. They just didn’t want to power cycle the modem to change the operation mode. I WROTE The firmware to require a power cycle if you change it from normal dial-switched operation(how we normally use modems), 2-wire lease line and 4-wire lease line operation. These were done intentionally. He refused to power cycle his modems and it would not work. “Well, I don’t see why I should have to power cycle it…”. Dude, you’re talking to the guy who MADE the thing… I just let him get all the help he needed at $150/hour. After racking up a massive support bill, I said to him “Look, you’ve spend too much on my time on this issue. I’m going to tell you one last time to power cycle the modems. If you do this, we can hang up because it will be working”. He finally submitted and did so(we had the other end on the call at the same time) and sure enough, it started working.
(Why were they using 4-wire lease line modems? Old legacy application using a serial port on old systems that they just refuse to modernize, even through the Y2K joke of a fiasco).
So, decide what’s important: Friendship or yoyos. Pick friendship. You can always yoyo on your own if you have to.