Andre, could you freestyle for us?

how about all of us pm him bout it?

Those of us who see him regularly will see him this Friday at Dogbiteā€¦ I will ask him to check out the threadā€¦ If he is cool with it I will even shoot a vid of him throwing. He throws at Dogbite all the time!!! 2nd Friday of the month from 7-9pm at College Church in Northampton if any of you are ever in the area!!!

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Actually, I have been very surprised at how much Andre is aware of in the various forums. Not just here on YYE, but elsewhere too.

My guess could very well be wrong. :slight_smile:

That would be epic. An updated video like Johhny did!

Iā€™m looking forward to those new tutorial videos! God Bless - Moefv

That being said, I donā€™t think itā€™s a good idea to bomb his inbox. No doubt itā€™s full enough as it is.


I would love to see anything of his. Iā€™ve been dying to see what heā€™s up to. Just one video would be fine. Actually, more than fine, totally awesome.

The most recent thing Iā€™ve seen is one trick at 2:20. (The whole video is great though, so I would just watch it all :D)

genious thinking

Is there one this Friday?? I want an NH yoyo Club trip down there!


Sure is man!!!


this times a million! Most things iv learned so far are from those videos and Im almost running out!

some HD remakes with some slow motion thrown in would really hit the spot

I give Andre an original autographed Gone yoyo anticipation card if he does.