aMAYzing YYF sale

Yeah I’m curious about the Northstar too. I know the Superstar is a different alloy than the actual classic ones.

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Both the new and old versions are 6061. They did make a couple of 7075 runs of the old superstar, but it was a special edition.

Most are the same material.

The way I see it, there’s literally no reason to hunt down an old superstar. Unless the idea that your yo-yo was made 10 years or so earlier is worth like $100 to you.

I can see paying extra for a watch or something from 1910 because it’s fun to think about what the world was like back then, and who might have worn it.

But I’m sorry, 2008-2013 just ain’t quite vintage enough for me to want to track down an identical yo-yo from the same company.

Collectibility can be a fickle thing….


Are you sure? There’s a ~2g difference in listed weight, and the old ones all look like classic YYF 7075 to me.

Skyline is another one they revised when they rereleased.

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lolol “didn’t trust ben.”


If there’s a Barry here from Sweden, looks like I got your order, lol.

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I assume it’s the Mega Monster right?

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Genesis pair for $40 is crazy when their earlier deal was like $35 for one lol


Varying weight between different runs does not indicate different grades of aluminum used.

Yo-yo factory will tweak their designs on the same model, especially for ones that they make many runs on over the course of years (like the hubstacked superstar).

The shutter is another example. Original shutters were multiple grams heavier than those you’ll buy today.

Saying that there’s a 2g difference between the mass listed on the Yoyofactory website today and some superstar from 2011 does not mean that Yoyofactory overhauled the design to re-release it, and definitely doesn’t mean an entirely different grade of aluminum.

It’s entirely possible that the re-release was made from the exact same CAD file as an old superstar, but from a different run.

Or maybe it’s not. Maybe they did take an old CAD file and change it a little. If you’re really interested, you can probably ask Ben.

But regardless, given the variation between runs and years in what an “original Superstar” is, what you’re buying today will fit right in with those older runs.

And it may even be exactly the same as one of them.

Or maybe not.

Or maybe it is.

Or maybe not.

Or maybe… (fades off into distance)


That’s the impression I got from the live broadcast. Second chance with a lower discount.

What was it priced @ before?

I think it was $50 the first time.

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Can you provide a link to a page that talks about 6061 vs 7075 Superstars? As I remember they were all 7075 and the finish looks exactly like 7075 yoyos that YYF was releasing at that time like the Supernova, MVP, Skyline, 09 888, Mutant DNA, etc. The pricing reflects that as well. 6061 yoyos like the Genesis were cheaper.

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I’ll have a new-in box one on the BST soon

As requested, store page that sold 6061 superstars:

But regardless, I was on the scene when the 7075 editions were released. The difference between them and the 6061 runs was much discussed at local meetups.

“Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written.”

-Aslan, The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe


Now I just want a bi-metal nine dragons


I hope these archived store links are ok…

These ones are clearly 7075 though right? Your link is for a cheaper made in China version that came out later.

This description says they changed to 6061 for the relaunch but it also calls it the Supernova so not sure how reliable that is. I know for sure the Supernova changed alloys when they went to China.

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Really didn’t want to buy anything without a color choice again but I couldn’t resist the Genesis pair for $40. Someone pretty please trade me a black one when they get theirs!

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If you’re selling it for the sale price I’ll buy it immediately lol

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Yeah, I would guess the USA made ones are 7075.

I’m not enough of a scholar to know or remember exactly how many runs of each metal they made.

But based on what you’ve posted, it sounds like maybe they did some 7075 ones, then went to China and made some 6061 ones, but I know for sure they subsequently released some more 7075 ones after that.

I think the 7075 “Sup3rstar” ones were part of this later group. I remember people getting hyped about those and talking about how much smoother they were than some of the 6061 ones.

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Lol I just completely ignored the China ones because I thought the batch number engraving was really ugly.

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