play’s 1a with a counter weight (dice) and does not bust any 5a!
So check it-----tried 5a kind of like it but not my thing, after i used the counter weight i could not go back to tie’ing the string around my finger felt wrong with the pick up and play factor of the dice.
Am i a freak on the street, is there any disadvantages of this style of play within 1a…
Here is a short film of 15a as i call it!
thanks Justin
p.s just got a very nice new dice! :
I really don’t think this is a good idea. You need to learn to tie it to your finger like everybody else.
I use to do this my self, this once I stopped I relized how much easier it is to play without holding a die the whole time.
Plus, what about when you go to a contest? They’re not gonna let you compete in 1a while holding a die, they just won’t. And what about 2a? That’s gonna be a tough one.
Great comments guy’s…2a with a dice good skill’s.
So could i push my car to a local comp, and rock up for abit of 1a with a dice instead of the string around my finger(of course not busting any 5a moves).
Is “1a 2a 3a” etc a style and not where your string is tie’ed?
The only style that doesn’t have a string tied to your finger is 5a, outside of combined styles such as elepharks 7a etc. 1a as you know is string tricks. 2a is two looping yoyos. 3a is two string trick yoyos. 4a is offstring. And 5a is freehand.
The only problem with playing 1a, 5a style (holding but not throwing dice) is that in any competition you will be disqualified. The rules plainly state that in 1a the string is tied to your finger. They see is as maybe an advantage.
When I’m at school I keep a 5a yoyo in my pocket so I can bust it out when I’m walking. The counterweight helps because I can take it out and put it away really quick
when it comes to going to comps and such, I really reccomend either leaning 5a or tieing the sting to your hand for 1a
When I read the first line of the post, I was like… what the… Is this guy for real? Then I watched the video Freakin sweet! Dude, go ahead and hold the die, nice work!
Yeah, and some people say tying the string to your pointer finger is a disadvantage, but that doesn’t stop Tyler Severance from better than almost all of them.
So is mobius a differant style then? or is zammy just not allowed to do it in one a compatitions?
Actually, i used to yoyo on the base of my index, and it seems to me, that if you let someone on the street borrow one of your yoyos, they’ll but it there. I think tyler just started there and never got used to the middle finger.
As for the die, i’d drop it. Your fooling yourself. Just spend 15 min playing with it tyed to your finger and i’m fairly confidant it will be comfortable again.
At no time shall the yo-yo be removed from the string (i.e. no off-string tricks are allowed). During any periods of time that this rule is violated, the judges shall not grant any points for Technical Execution or Performance Style but shall deduct points for any mistakes, loss of control restarts, yo-yo replacements, etc.
At no time shall a yo-yo with a counter-weight be used. During any periods of time that this rule is violated, the judges shall not grant any points for Technical Execution or Performance Style but shall deduct points for any mistakes, loss of control restarts, yo-yo replacements, etc.