Aluminum vs titanium

Hey @jeffreypang911,
What are the differences in working with titanium vs aluminum, and why do you chose to work with titanium? What are some specific things you have to take into consideration when working with titanium?

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Hmm, our questions overlap quite a bit. Why Titanium?

Maybe they can be merged? If it’s the winner, I’ll let you have it, as I have a 000 already!

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That’s sounds awesome to me.

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Titanium is very unforgiving to the machine and i need to design around that. Someone who is used to designing in aluminum might think that it’s the same, but they don’t realize that carbide bits might be shaped different than some of the custom tooling available for aluminum. Titanium also relieves stress very differently than aluminum and that has always been a challenge with battling vibration and concentricity.


Well, you managed to parse the two questions perfectly.