Alternative to the typical slipknot - More comfortable, less bulky, more secure

Loopless Slipknots

 This is how I tie most all of my Premium / Nylon / knot resistant strings (Angel Hair, Cloud, and some others). I wanted to share this method to give other options to the typical and sometimes awkward slip knots. This also maximizes string length! 

Fun for new and experienced players alike, this other method makes for a simple, clean, and well placed knot for the modified slipknot. This is intended for long life strings. It will take a few extra minutes to prep the string but makes for a nearly perfect setup. I always dislike how the typical knots dug into my fingers sometimes. It was uncomfortable and distracting. This nulls that problem.

note Polys, blends, cottons, and bulks do not apply as it doesn’t really matter due to the short life span of the string, but you can do it if you want.

Alright, lets get started! Here is a fresh (in this case Angel hair) nylon string.

What we want to do is remove all but the very last or “final knot.” So take the pre-tied slipknot out leaving only the final knot. Or by putting your own Final Knot at the length you want your string to be.

Now this Final Knot is fragile. It wants to fall out. We must lock it in place, but first find the crossing of the threads as shown.

Now take your CA (Super Glue), Bondic (UV Cure plastic weld) also works well, and put a small drop over the crossing of the threads. Do not use alot of glue. It ony takes a tiny drop right over the crossing. I could not take a pic and glue at the same time, so here is the glue I used, and what it should look like after your done.

IMPORTANT NOTE If the “final knot” ever comes out, the yoyo will fly away when you throw it. Be Warned. This is why I use CA (super) glue on the “Final Knot.”
Do (k)not skip the gluing step!!!

Now that the glue is applied, and dried (if you use CA you can use accelerator or “kicker” to finish it right away, otherwise wait till dry) take the twisted threads and split them, open them up like shown.

Pull the string through the hole you just created making a self contained, self threaded slip knot.

Twist to tighten the threads that you split to put correct twist back in.

One final tip, as with some of the slipperier strings, they can feel slippy around the finger. If it is sliding around your finger, take it off, flip the loop 180 degrees and put it back on, it should be alot better now. :slight_smile:

Let me know what you think! Think its silly, waste of time, good idea? share your thoughts below. Thanks for reading, and Happy Throwing!


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Great tutorial! I will be trying this for sure, I have noticed that the normal way really digs in when I practice for long periods of time. I will post back when I have tried it!

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I like this! Gonna try it out.

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Ricardo Fraolini showed me this at worlds. I switch from time to time on the usual method and this.

I have used this with superglue on nylon kitty (my current favourite string) and it broke. Twice. Any thoughts?

I would tie more knots in the top. I always tie 4 because I just want to be sure everything is together well :stuck_out_tongue: overkill? Meh, maybe. Rather be safe than sorry.

Never tried Kitty nylon so i cant say, but most other kitties are not worth the time, at least for this.

Did the string break in the body, or did the glue break on the knot, thus allowing it to come lose, and fly away?

The knot came undone somehow, and I don’t mind the extra time for the extra comfort.

Its possible that the glue did not get on the “crossing” of the knot. Ive dont this once before, i put drop of glue on but it was on the back, and didnt seal together. I did throw that one into the wall. Now i just make 100% sure i get the glue on the crossing of the knot. Not saying this was what happened with you, but i have seen it happen before, and after looking closely at the glue i saw it was only on one side.

Also its possible that the glue you used may had been aged, or maybe going bad. Or maybe it was just the wrong kind of glue. Im not sure /shrug :slight_smile:

Maybe try to find a flexible curing CA. or try Bondic (UV cure plastic weld) or something similar.

I’ve used CA to secure the knot on my Angel Hair strings, but I’ve also had success with carefully melting the knot with a lighter and pinching it together. You just have to make sure you don’t melt the string on the playing side.

I tried this method once, and it didn’t seem to stay snug, but maybe I didn’t put the twist back in, or I needed to flip it like you suggested. I may give it another try. I’ve been using the Finch Head Knot, but that can get really tight.

One other tip, if you want to accelerate CA, but want a non-toxic alternative, is to use a pinch of baking soda on the wet CA.

Thanks for taking the time to post this, Dust!

Rubbing alcohol can also be used as a CA curing accelerant. :slight_smile:

And your welcome! ive been meaning to post this for a minute now.

I’ve always thought that this is supposedly the correct ‘slip knot’ and the one I usually do which is tying a knot with one hole on it before putting the string in there is not actually the real ‘slip knot’.
But what do I know…
I feel like this kind of knot is only useful if you plan to do string break trick on stage, otherwise you’re effectively halving the strength of the string near your finger by threading into the string itself instead of going around it, there is a lot of pressure in there.

Yes, I agree on this. This would be especially bad for 2A.

Or good at 1:33

I think it could also be useful for nylon strings in 1a, particularly the ones designed to be long lasting. These strings are super strong and resistant to wear, but also very slippery.

Very much this. Some are downright soapy slick and the normal way never stayed put with them. Angel hair particularly hated the typical loop-tie method.
Toxic dragons are another good example of a string that likes special treatment. The trade off is insane long life and snug, secure, minimal, and perfect knot placement for least digging or distraction.