Hey guys, some things just kind of hit me tonight. And I have decided that I’m going to be leaving the forums for a bit. I realized that next year I won’t be in high school anymore. I’m going to be out on my own, and I’m scared.
I have no idea what to do, what I want for my life, anything. I’ll be on periodically, but won’t be around like I have been. If you need to reach me for any reason, my regular email is punks_94@hotmail.com
Just to be clear, I am in no way quitting yoyoing, and all projects that I have taken on while here, will be seen through. I just realized that I need to figure a lot of stuff out, and the forum has become a distraction. If I want to live out my dreams, I need to get a lot of stuff straight. And that starts with getting things done outside of the interwebz.
You can do it Q! While it is scary, once it comes to be that time, you’ll realize it’s not a whole lot different at all. Best luck and best wishes to you my friend, it was a pleasure meeting you
Quinton, this isn’t to ridicule or patronize you but might I ask what you are uncertain of? What do you plan on doing after school? Are you going to college? Military? Workforce? Party Scene? No matter what direction you plan on going you will always be nervous of the uncertainty of things you have never experienced. I had a breakdown when I graduated High School and had I not already had signed my contract with the Marine Corps. I would have been in social and financial limbo man. When I was exiting active service and returning to civilian life, I was scared crapless, I didn’t know where my money was going to come from, I had no jobs lined up, no housing, no clue wth was going to happen next. Just rest assured that you aren’t the first, nor the last to be in your position. I acknowledge and respect your decision, I am just trying to help you relax a bit, life is scary, but not moving forward because of fear is terrifying. Keep doing what you do, we will keep in touch I hope
All of the sudden, i got off the phone, and it was like “I have… no plans.” I planned on going to college for law, but suddenly I realized that that’s not me, that’s not what I want. I know where I want to go, but I have no clue how or why I should go there. And I realized what I want to do. But to do it, I gotta work at it, which means saying goodbye for a while.
And if you keep in touch with me, I’ll keep in touch with you.
OH!, and don’t let anyone get into any crap while I’m gone. I don’t wanna come back to a mess. List of emergency numbers are on the fridge.
I know exactly how you feel. This is my last year in high school too. I am terrified as well, but I have a small plan, and I set goals. I’d suggest making short term goals, like get a part-time (or full) by this date, do this, and that, ect… Just remember, even though you are out of high school, your family will still be there. They can help too. Just talk to them about what they did. That is what I’ve been doing. I’d suggest making goals, and making plans to reach them.
We are all rooting for you man. Hope you can figure all this out.
(Light, and Smooth Hall monitor Jirohen)
I’m going through the same thing except I’m already in college 3rd yr but I’m taking my time but I don’t know what to go for as a major, it scares me a little since I don’t know what to do. either way good luck Q college ain’t that hard just more to study and cool people.