I’ve been watching your vids and it’s been neat seeing your 5a elements. i recently started on 5a but I’ve still got so much to learn in 1a, but i plan to work on them both concurrently instead of one and then the other. i agree with you that it has helped learning other styles. they all have elements and skills that are transferable between styles. i think control is one of the top ones. the more ways you learn to control a yoyo the more comfortable the yoyo becomes as a versatile tool
I totally agree that learning other styles helps so much with standard 1a. Even throwing more responsive 0a tricks like stalls and such for fixed axle February has reminded me how important a delicate and controlled touch is. Some complex 0a tricks remind me of learning some harder slack elements; they both can require a similar gentleness. 3a has helped me understand plane control so much. There are many good lessons to be learned from all the styles! This is a cool project and have fun in the coming months!!
Yes, Windmill Yoyo Trick AKA 5A Pinwheel already gave me a very hard time.
But I am so glad that I had made it after a week.
Originally, I thought that I may learn the infinity beestrings, but I not even can do it once haha