After all this time you still yoyo?

That would be a recreation! The Snow Weasel is real! Really!!! :wink:

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Haha. Well I could re-create.

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At this point I think its fair to sayā€¦ Itā€™s not real.:unicorn:

I still throw because itā€™s relaxing. Iā€™ve always been interested in some kind of activities that involve learning tricks. I was much too wimpy to try anything crazy on skateboarding - scariest thing was dropping in on a 5-foot ramp. Yoyos can be done anywhere and the scariest thing you might encounter is popping yourself in the face lol. Itā€™s relaxing and for me, also very nostalgicā€¦was a part of my childhood right down to collecting what I could pre-internet and what funds I did have to work with.


Nonbeliever! :rage:

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I throw because I wanna be like Ed when I grow up.

Noteā€¦ After being contacted by another long time forum member, I have deleted most of my text.

My post contained some low grade humor about violent tendencies intertwined with the pastime of yoyos.

I know this may come as a totally unexpected reveal by me. But I Clown around here and there and amazingly most people ā€˜get itā€™.

But the downside of talking crazy is that some people are or have been ā€˜touchedā€™ by ongoing or past personal tragedy. And even though my posts are not in any way meant to deliberately upset anyone. Occasionally someone gets upset from memories of things best forgotten.

Because I respect the feelings of those touched by violence I was compelled to remove my make believe story.

If somebody is bothered enough to tell me so. The easiest way to resolve the situation is to delete the questionable content.



Iā€™m still a newbie. But honestly, even if I fell out of love with the toy itself, Iā€™d still hang out here and in Instagram for the community. Yoyo people are the nicest crew Iā€™ve met, and itā€™s nice to be in such an inclusive group. The toy is fun, and I see myself enjoying it for a long time. But the community is really the best part.

East Coast Masters this year was supposed to be my first comp to attend, unfortunately got canceled for covid. Hope to meet some of you in person once comps start happening again.


I find it interesting that so many of us continue to yo even though we lack peers that yo. So intrinsic, but yet we jump at the chance, most of us, to actually yoyo with a group.


Iā€™m extremely self-conscious about my throwing and donā€™t like to throw around people or make videos but when I learned Brain Twister 2 years ago I was eager to show people at work. Now that I am a lot more advanced I am totally fearful of showing anyone what I have learned because I am afraid of a mess up and getting really upset inside. A guy I worked with all summer just finished up and is done for the year and sometimes it was killing me to have a yoyo in my pocket and wanting to show it to him and show him what Iā€™ve learned but figuring Iā€™d just mess something up so I just kept my mouth shut. I think Iā€™m on the wrong thread with all this blubbering.


No, not the wrong thread and not blubbering, honesty is honesty. There are ways, that are less pressure than taking out a yoyo and throwing it, waiting to see what someoneā€™s response is. You might be surprised if you sat the yoyo on your desk or in view of your friends/coworkers that they might pick it up and play with it a bit. What a great way to get to throw a bit for and with them without being, ā€œlook at me.ā€

I understand how you could be self-conscious about showing someone but if you set them up to ask questions, and you yoyo to answer those questions, could be gooood! :+1:t2:


Yep, this is me too. I really enjoy watching videos of others throwing as I learn a ton and get new ideas, but I havenā€™t made any of myself throwing because I donā€™t feel Iā€™d bring anything new to the table. That said, I have been tempted to make a video or two when stuck on tricks. The ā€œtrick a weekā€ thread (I think thatā€™s the thread) has proven to me that people get very helpful feedback when posting ā€œwhat am I doing wrongā€ videos, so I might have to start doing that.




I feel you