A yoyo miracle occured for me

I had my janus with me when we were practicing for a gig. And he was like “oh i didnt know you yoyod” and started talking and he was like “yeah i have a dark magic 2, a shutter, a (fill in the blank i dont remember). But i havent yoyod in like 5 years”

Of course i was like “you have a dark magic 2? I would love to play with that. Could i buy it off you?” And he said “yeah you can have it im not using it” and then i went to say “dude its crazy those yoyos online can go for like 100 dollars” and then later it turned into “yeah you can borrow it for sure” :sweat_smile:

He brought it to our gig and i was like “yo lets see a trick!” And he was like “yeah the response pads were like gone” then he did the plastic whip, and then he did the plastic throw it at the cement on accident.

So tonight i put some response pads in, glad the standard fit. I cleaned it and deshielded bearing to paperclean and put a touch of lube in. I can see what the hype is about, its damn near the best hybrid i could ever imagine. I am truly hoping his borrow turns into “as long as you dont sell it” which is what i think it will turn into. Ill be playing with it a lot.

Tldr: my friend surprisingly had a dark magic 2, its really beat up, and i get to hang onto it indefinitely until he really misses it. Oh and the nail vibe is off the charts? Maybe thats normal for hybrids. String vibe is like none tho


Sick! I messaged a stranger that was going to the australia yoyo comp, he was nice enough to pick me up a dark magic 2 and ship it to New Zealand.
Its in the post now cant wait :slight_smile:


Be careful storing these, old yoyojams are pretty prone to cracking. Would recommend keeping it out of direct sunlight and slightly unscrewed to avoid unnecessarily stressing the plastic.


I keep my room in a state of total darkness.

Its already got cracks on both halfs in the axle seat i believe as you can see in the photos :frowning:

Still plays nice