A Year of Fixed Axle - "Fixed Axle '15"

I think it’s insane how you guys can do tricks like that on a Fixie. It’s crazy.

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I thought it was impossible for the longest time, but the pressure of the camera really pushes you into doing crazy things.

Since seeing the final round of the Fixed Axle Challenge here I really want to work on my 2 hand looping. I’ve set up a pair of No Jives for it, but wanted to ask does anyone have any suggestions on learning 2 handed looping with No Jives? Is it better to have a more narrow gap? What helped you to get your non-dominant hand matching your dominant hand (other than practice ;))?

Thanks in advance!

No jives are super hard to 2 handed loop with IMO. That’s why I used proyos, which are awesome for that stuff.

The absolute best piece of advice I was given for learning 2 handed looping was that, once your yo-yos start to tilt, never try to correct them, just catch them back and try again. Begin with 2 loops, 3 loops, and so on, only going till the throws start tilting. This’ll help a lot.

Obviously when you get really good you can learn to correct tilting, but this will help you get really good.

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no jives are pretty tough, yeah. if you get a good pair with the right gap and weight they are golden, but they tend to be a bit heavy, have a bit too much gap and don’t flip so easily. proyos are VERY forgiving fixed axle loopers, as are russells. no jives are fine, you just may have to tweak the gap, axle and string length. and that’s tougher without experience.

as far as how to get better at looping, practice is the main thing, especially with your non dominant hand. i would say make sure you can do 50 single-handed loops in a row with either hand before you expect to do 10 two-handed loops. and remember to pay attention to your yo-yo’s angle (as you throw, your right hand yo-yo should tilt to about 1 o’clock (and your left to about 11) and those angles should pretty much hold as you continue to loop. like noah said, don’t try to fight through crummy loops. start over so your muscles get used to them the right way instead of practicing fixing the mess-ups. that’s one of dale o’s key teaching points.

also if you haven’t read EVERYTHING here, stop what you’re doing. shawn fumo is the man.


In your experience what is a good gap for loopers?  About the same as a proyo?  And what is the ideal length for string when it comes to looping.  I pretty much just use stock cotton string on my no jives type 8 or 10, depending on what I’m doing, I love Lacers on an older original No Jive I have.

Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out.

In the past I’d do 2-5 loops, planet hops, etc. what I’d call basic looping but it’s never been something I was good at.  Would like to change that :slight_smile:

Actually, ignore my previous post…I should have just stopped what I was doing and read everything on Shawn’s blog as Ed said. Answered pretty much all of my questions in 2 minutes of reading ;D

Oooooh… new Fixed Challenge… Someone, I have to learn Superman, but I will and will post.

I think we need a Fixed Axle Challenge part Deux… maybe run by us… I’ll post it, I have an idea and will start a new thread if we get enough people on it.

Anyone willing to donate prize(s) to it let me know. Maybe I’ll make it an enter with a prize to win and winner takes all… I have some ideas, but who’s in?

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lol somebody just reminded me of this old video/idea. can’t believe this was 6+ years ago! my kids were so tiny and my house was all different colors lol!

we gave it a shot, but it was just too tough to find guys who had the time and desire to film for it. anyway, now that there are some more guys stoked getting into the fixed scene, maybe we should try and make it happen?


Watched eds tuts and and while looping tried some tricks on my Duncan Pulse.

Was trying to get the trapeze stall but couldn’t get the yoyo return in mid air then tried undermount felt easier and yay I hit my first fixed axle trick then just hit it 2 times i think like in 20 tries. Really nice not literally fixed axle but the pulse is imperial modified shape so I think it balances. Is it easier to do on a fixed axle yoyo like outs tmbrs no jives proflys?

Hmmmm… very philosophical Ed. Also, where is eternal now?

The kickflip challenge is awesome, i think we’ll see some people really push the envelope on it.

Only had one reply to my question for a member run challenge… maybe another time.

I’d be into it, but wouldn’t be able to contribute at this time. Hoping I land this new job and then I could probably do a little something.

Today I realized that it’s been half a year since I started the fixed axle for a year challenge. For those of you who faced up to this challenge good luck for another 6 months of only fixed yoyos.

Ed? What ever happened with the No Jive Eternal video you started? Did the yoyo get lost? Or did no one have time to do it so it just came back to you? That would’ve been cool to see an entire video series made up with one yoyo and how different people play it.

Thanks, Sergio. I’m still sticking with it too. I mostly play when I take my dog out for his walks. I haven’t been practicing my 2 hand looping for a couple of months now, but I still always have a fixie with me. I recently chaperoned at our 8th grade field trip to Great America and got a lot of positive comments from people walking by while I was practicing fixed axle tricks. I even gave one of my ProYos to a 6 year old kid who forced his parents to let him stop and watch. The best part was seeing this kid’s face light up when I told him that the yoyo was for him. Totally made my day. His dad bought me a funnel cake as “payment”. Love those things.

No I still have it. Augie sent it back to me a couple years ago. He and Drew had it but weren’t able to finish a vid with it. That was 5+ years back. There are way more people into throwing fixed now.


Sadly his pro-fly his first yo-yo into this journey broke. Thats fifteen dollars.

Had a great weekend. Carried my No Jive around all weekend, and worked almost exclusively on loops and Shoot-the-Moon. Happy to report I’m able to hit 20 clean loops right now, between a quarter to half with my left hand and Shoot-the-Moon is coming along great, think I hit 5 clean.

Work in progress, something I’ve neglected for a VERY long time. Was excited to be able to do these on a Butterfly shape No Jive also!

Love that people are still into this.

Still going strong with the woods. Perfecting shoot the moons is my current fixed challenge along with looping… 2A fixed axle…