A Year of Fixed Axle - "Fixed Axle '15"

I feel so bad cause I have been too busy and too tired to throw the past several days. I have to fix that. Perhaps with an old wood - wood axle - Duncan Butterfly.

I posted this on my instagram, but thought some here would get a kick out of it.

I’ve been searching for a San Francisco era Tom Kuhn No Jive or Clean Machine with no finish on it for some time now. I’ve found a good number of them, but no one wants to let them go. So I decided to take one of my SF era No Jives that I rarely play and convert it to an unfinished/raw No Jive. Here it is once I was finished, compared to another No Jive with the finish.


Since doing this I can’t put it down. The unfinished maple really plays different than the lacquered No Jives. So this has gone from just sitting in a box to being played.

I’ve got a small company in the works right now, and have thought about offering to do this for people if they were interested, but if there is enough interest I can post how I did it. Warning though, it took HOURS to finish it.

That looks awesome, Aaron! Nice work. It looks like it was professionally done.

Thanks Mike. It actually looks better now. When I took that photo it still had some rubbing alcohol that was evaporating from when I cleaned it up. I’m thinking of doing it to the other one in the photo also, but haven’t decided yet.

I can hit trpeze and front stall consistently but sometimes its too responsive sometimes unrespoany suggestions? Duncan Pro Fly.

I mean I can’t adjust tension with every throw. Lol.

I haven’t seen any progress reports. How are you guys who are only playing Fixed Axle for 2015 making out?

I’m not doing to well right now my higby profly cracked and I’m almost out of no jive axle one split in to 3 pieces. But other than that I’m using my tmbr baldwin and making alot of cotton strings.
Also I’ve been playing a lot of contra for the snes.

Is there anyone here that has done Fixie all year and nothing else? If so, congrats guys, that’s incredible.

I have been playing it all year.


applause i would never be able to take a break from bearings :stuck_out_tongue:

Same here. I have not even picked up a throw in a few weeks and I miss it. Here is to honoring all those who have been able to stick with “fixies only” so far this year.

Great job, that’s incredible.

Ditto. Been fixed only since November 1, but family stuff has kept me from participating with the online community much or messing with videos. It’s been a great ride so far though!

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I’m still only throwing fixies too. Problems came up in late April when I had to get foot surgery… and then a second surgery in early June on the same (dirty word) foot, so I was not getting the time I wanted to practice. Have you ever tried doing forward loops from a chair? It’s not that easy. Instead I taught myself how to loop out to the side which was actually kind of fun. My surgeries were to remove 2 different nerves from my foot that were constantly swollen and painful, so now a large portion of my foot is numb… forever. It’s better than pain, but it’s taken some serious rehab to get mobile again. Still, I plan to continue with the fixies for the rest of the year. Congratulations to all the others who have kept with it.

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So I’m on the fence right now but may be going 100% fixed starting January 1. I’d love to do what Ed did and pick one yoyo, and a backup, and stick to that one. May do that still. On the fence about it all right now, but leaning on the side of going for it.

Personally I’m missing the days when I only really had 1 main yoyo, I knew everything about that thing, and what it could do, and how to push it to do more. I don’t have that feeling anymore, and I feel it’s made me backslide some in how I use to be able to play. I’ve got some yoyo related projects in the works also, I think doing this will help me to focus on completing those also.

Anyone else thinking of doing this for 2016?

It is too early to think about 2016 but I have been playing more fixies and less bearing though I still pick up a bearing throw daily.
I have, however, collected many fixed axles this year including about a 14 Duncan Butterfly’s dating from the fifties (when I got my first yoyo) to the present and several modern fixed axles. The only bearing throws I acquired this year were those included in the WYYC Mystery Box.

Zorro - I hope your foot is doing better.
editSorry Zorro, I ment MikeEff

I need time to prepare my mind for it ;D

50% of me wants to keep it up into 2016, and 50% of me doesn’t want to. I’ll decide later.

Looping and fixed axle while sitting? Here you go.

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Great video! I have bad legs so I sit when I throw also.