A Year of Fixed Axle - "Fixed Axle '15"

Look at John Higby The Lone Ranger Pro Fly in orange color.

Saw it on IG the other day. So sweet. I’m grounding myself from further purchases for a while though. Been spending too much and need to focus elsewhere.

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I hear ya! I have to hold off for a while myself. Soooo Hard!

Hi jrodriguez,

I’m actually starting a year of fixed axle as well! Would you like to trade contact information so we can share tricks, tips and just talk about our adventures in fixed axle? :smiley: Send me a PM if you’d like to!

Edit: Totally didn’t read the time this was originally posted! Since you’re still in your year of throwing, I’m still open to talk about fixed axle!

Since I already had the camera set up for the Ed contest I figured I’d record a trick.

I am finally a member of the fixed axle spirit bomb club! So far just with Fidalgo. Lovejoy is next on the list to land it with.

Here is a simple mod to get better response with neutral string tension on a TMBR take apart.

I tested this idea out and liked it enough to do my others. :slight_smile:

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thanks for sharing… i’m actually about to change the response on my Fidalgo to make it come back easier… just flowable silicone and voila…

I am planning on re siliconing my Fidalgo. The string keeps pinching into the recess and making it really hard to regen because of the snag. I am going to try to get it more flush. Still a really fun throw.

Here’s some stuff I’ve been working on, thought I ought to keep this thread revived with the fixed axle challenge gaining so much momentum. Anyway, check these out if you like. #fixedaxlemisfits

Undermount Kickflip
F7 Stall

Posted a bit of content today since I got my round 3 F.A.C. Video up yesterday and am not having to learn a brand new trick for Fixie Horse at the moment. Anyway, here are the links if you guys want to check them out.

I call these things “Stall-Stacker” tricks.

Hand Stall balance tricks

Thanks for posting all your vids, you guys. It’s been fun to watch. Unfortunately I’ve been off my feet for a little over a week because of foot surgery. I haven’t been able to practice for nearly 3 weeks and I miss it. Keep up all the good work. I’m so glad I joined this fixed axle challenge because I have found that it’s a whole different experience than throwing 1A. I’m now so much better at stalls and regens that I rarely wind up my yoyos anymore. I just toss it in the air, whip a regen and I’m off to the races. I can’t wait until I can stand without crutches so I can get back to it. :stuck_out_tongue:

That axle is super sick.

Bumping it up.

This post goes out to you Mike! Here’s some recent stuff I’ve got on Instagram, but have t translated over here yet.

Pocketwatch Swag.

Thumb Grind Tape Measure.

Horizontal Thumb Spin.

Finger Grind to Pocketwatch.

Front Stall to Lunar, Balancers.


I enjoyed watching. Thanks skinny.


Thank you bud. And you too Someone! I don’t know if you’d still call me a beginner or intermediate at Fixie play, but I continue to try and push myself further every chance I get. I’ll get more content posted, probably tomorrow, as its my day off. I’ll try and be more expedient about posting over here for those of you that don’t follow my Instagram.

I just got back into fixed axle play. What I mean by this is that in the late 90s, I only had fixed axles and learned my basics on there. When I rediscovered playing yoyo back in 2009, I primarily was interested in 1A bearing play and felt limited on a “fixie.” Come 2015 and the YYE Fixed Axle challenge, it inspired me to go back to the roots and see some of the stuff people have come up with.

I bought a ProFly about 2 weeks ago at a local store while I decided which ‘higher end’ fixed axle I wanted to buy off of YYE and worked on trapeze and brother stalls, as well as finally learning to shoot the moon.

Being further interested, I bit the bullet and bought a No Jive 3-in-1 Classic Optic Star and a TMBR Baldwin. Both perform differently and while initially I felt like the artwork hindered the No Jive’s play when configured to butterfly mode (artwork on the inside) I actually am now finding this to be somewhat beneficial as it actually works as a decent response system under normal string tension.

The Baldwin however requires some serious string tension in order to do a regen. I decided to dab some silicone into the 4 dimples to help make this more responsive without having to crank down the tension.

Watching some of these tricks, especially some of the recent stuff posted on this thread reminds me somewhat of kendama (landing the yoyo on the tops of the throw hand) as well as doing what essentially looks like a stalled suicide (what’s the proper name?).

In the end I won’t ditch bearing/1A play for a year as I like to mix things up and when I get tired of 1 style I can pull out the woodies and mess around with that.

Here’s one of my best takes on the Trapeze and Brother Stall/Stacker, ending it with a loop (keeping in mind I’ve only recently discovered stalls and pretty much learned on my own)!

I’m gonna post new videos soon I came up with a ton of new tricks that I still need to film.

Can’t wait to see them, I always like new tricks running through my head because that means there’s always something new to work on.

Also, this is why most of my practice sessions go down in front of a camera nowadays. I’m almost never playing off camera. With being a lone thrower, it gives me the feeling of playing in front of people, which will hopefully prepare me for competition if I ever get to that point.

Superman anyone?


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