A Year of Fixed Axle - "Fixed Axle '15"

Haha sorry I’m not that nice :wink:

Thanks JRod! I’m so glad you started this. It has been my inspiration! ;D

Thanks, Aaron! When you get the time, you should give it a go. When you find that groove, it’s a great feeling.

It took me quite a while to get the feel for it. If you watch videos online, it’s almost no help at all, because it really is a wrist flick thing. At first I had to use my whole arm to pull the yoyo up and over and down, but eventually I basically stumbled onto the wrist flick because my elbow was hurting from the incorrect method I was using. I had to keep my arm still and all of a sudden I was doing it. Now I hop the fence the whole time I’m walking my dog (a real dog) :wink:

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Please put up a video of you hopping the fence.

Anyone want to start putting up some videos?

I think it would be cool to document out progress as a group.

The first month was not that bad on the FA15 challenge. At times I wish I could grab my Gambit or AC2 and do some tricks… my wife says she misses seeing those…

but overall, I’m still very much enjoying FA15.

I’m gonna put together something. Not sure how I’ll do it, but keep an eye out for one soon. Maybe a short looping video and a short stall video. Perhaps both on the same.

As you can tell, I haven’t put a ton of thought into it. But it’s in the works.

I look forward to more videos. I am having a tough time learning to keep the yoyo spinning through these tricks so I am studying all the videos I can.

I can’t do much as far as modern yoyo tricks on a Fixie, but I’ll put up what I’ve got.

I was thinking of doing that, but I have to investigate YouTube. I only have one video on YouTube, but GregP is the one who posted it. I’ll bug him and see how he made his channel.

Haha, feel free to hit me up. Not that I remember. But we can stumble through it. :wink:

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Or just make them on your smart phones and upload to an instagram account.

Skinny sees mine, I’ve done a couple. Have to find my GoPro after the move to get better video.

We can have a lot of fun doing this.

Look at the Ed Haponik still on @Kinopah, it’s awesome.

It would be very cool if EH himself showed more intermediate tricks… most of his stuff is for the yoyo gurus, he’s the Fixed Axle Fraolini.

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The YouTube Calture app for smartphones is your friend! iPhones capture video in HD and you can do the editing on your phone. That’s how I’ve created most of my videos.

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think my instagram is @edhaponik actually.

thanks for watching!!!

in the works. give me (and andre) a couple days. :wink:

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Oops, there you go, corrected by the man himself!

And can’t wait Ed, looking forward to the videos.

Got off work early so I did this little number for you. Warning: no edits, just threw it around for a little while and added music.

EDIT: Ed has clarified that this is Planet Hops and not hop the fence, that’s my bad.

Nice, Skinny!
It’s fun just rockin’ the hops over and over, isn’t it? But, yes, this is planet hops. I actually haven’t worked on that one. Hop the fence is when you keep flipping the yoyo over your throw hand like a downward loop. I’ll download that youtube app you mentioned and give it a go. Thanks to all who made suggestions on how to upload videos.

Yes, I’ll be working on actual hop the fence tonight, which I can do I know, but planet hops tends to keep the string tension in check. Whereas, if you hop the fence too long you’ve got spaghetti for dinner, so to speak.

This video was made with the YouTube capture app btw, shot w/ my iPhone 5S.

I’m going to try to get a video together every month. (I thought January’s turned out ok.) I’m not really doing the challenge with y’all, but every year is a year of fixed-axle to me anyway. ;D

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Ok Skinny!
I downloaded and used the app. It was pretty easy to use, so thanks for the suggestion.

I’m already going to make excuses though. This was my first video. I did it with no practice today, so I look super sloppy, and my students were working on a project while I did this, so they were psyching me out. This was the best clip of the 3 or so minutes I recorded (about 40 seconds worth). I put music over it just to try it out, but also to remove the sound of my students yelling at me.  :smiley:

Here’s hop the fence and some front loops

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^ Nice, Mike! If you watched my full video there, you’ll know I’m not gonna hate on a little sloppiness. That just makes the video more OG. F’real. Haha.

But seriously, even when I’m messing up I am having fun. The point is, we’re doing what we love, and have the cojones to put videos up for the world to see. Haters gonna hate, and ain’ters gonna ain’t.

Bad Religion! Don’t hear enough punk rock in yoyo videos

It’s either punk rock or pre-1970’s country/western for me.

I love that someone recognized it.