A Year of Fixed Axle - "Fixed Axle '15"

When I ordered 2 Proflys the First Class shipping was only $3. Was your shipping more than that?

EDIT: oh sorry. I thought you were buying from YYE for some reason, even though you were quite clear you had an Amazon card. My bad.

Having a few extra dollars on my Amazon gift card is exactly how I picked up my Profly.

Just so excited, but… I just sent payment for an original, first run Eh MIB… Oooooh Happy DAAAAAY!

I told myself I would only buy a Play Simply No Jive this year once they release them, but I could not pass it up.

I have two John Higby ProFlys and one is my “car throw”… for those days I forget to grab my Eh or Moxon and need a throw.

Did you get it on Facebook? You must’ve beat me to it, I messaged him right after he posted it but he never replied:(

Glad someone got it who will appreciate it :slight_smile:

Yes sir… very excited… can’t wait to compare the original and the 2014.

They have a very different feel. I find the first run and the 2013 to play closer to the Turner than to the 2014. Still awesome.

Yeah the 2014 has a more “solid” feel to it. The Original eH’s feel “floaty” to me. Both are great ;D

For the record, the 2014 is by far my favorite yoyo… it just has something to it that makes it play better than anything I have thrown in the past… the original is a great point of comparison for me. I want to see how it has improved.

Once you see the improvement, PM me if you want to offload the first run :wink:

New entry by our own SkinnyBNY…

^ yeah, check that out. :slight_smile:

And here’s a fun trick I learned last night:

so i did get a profly, but man these caps are ugly…

id like to pop them out and maybe color/ cover them with a sticker or something, or make new caps. any tips before i wreck everything?

Yeah, I want to do that too, flip them over, and draw my own pictures on them. I still haven’t tried to dig them out of there yet, though. I’m thinking an exacto knife would do it, but I’m going to try a suction cup first. I’ll let you know how it goes.

EDIT: I got one out with a suction cup very easily, but the other one is being stubborn. I’ll go at it again later. But I’d go with the suction cup method first rather than a blade so you don’t gouge up the cap.

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messing around with the caps is one of the best reasons to get a profly!
(or it was, before higby started making his own amazing caps.)

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You can just push the caps out with the axle the way you do on a FHZ.


ended up using a suction cup that was bigger than the cap, both sides came of easily.

couldnt find my wood grain print vinyl so i figured id use something green…

Dang, I used one of the rubber o-rings that come with hubstacks as a shim for my No-Jive, and holy cow, the whole weight distribution was changed to be much more solid and long spinning. Gap was also widened slightly but the response is about the same, which is fine. It’s amazing how this tiny o-ring could make it so much better IMO.

Picked up a bearing yoyo last night hoping to record something for CLYW’s #brentstolechallenge, after seeing Ed’s video with a No Jive I put the no jive down and decided not to try it with a fixed axle :smiley: (was working on one that incorporated a lunar landing. However, for the first time in roughly 26 years (on again/off again) of yoyoing, I had a yoyo draw blood on my face. My slack caught wrong and I didn’t know it, threw a breakaway to have my Bonfire swing back and crack me on the bridge of my nose. Nice clean 1/4" long cut. 45 minutes later the bleeding stopped.

#thingsimsurewouldnthappenwithanojive #sticktofixed


I’d rather jam fingers and crack knuckles any day. That makes me hurt man.

Thought I’d break out the Free Spirit and record a couple of tricks.

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