A word of encouragement

Last March, I set up a booth at my son’s school carnival to demonstrate and sell yoyos. I’ve been meaning to say something I observed ever since, and am finally getting around to it. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the next carnival is a month away?

If you can throw a sleeper, you can do something most people cannot. If you can do ANY tricks, you are way ahead of the game. It’s easy to feel discouraged when you look at the trick list, or look at the great videos that wonderfully talented people post so often for our enjoyment. My advice is: don’t be discouraged! Not only will you get much much better as you continue to practice, but you ALREADY have a skill that takes a lot of work to get.

I had forgotten this, since it had been so long since I was a beginner (24 years or so?). I was ready to show off my limited skills with some embarrassment at my limitations. But when I was reminded how people struggle to throw straight, and to get the yoyo to return to the hand, I realized my mission was much simpler.

You are good at things. Yoyo is one of those things. Remember it!



Some times I get caught up with the whole “is my skill level on par with everyone elses?” thing. I forget to remember that yoyoing isn’t about skill, or bein more skilled, its about personal growth and having fun.

Thanks for that. I’ve been throwing on and off for 3 years and I can’t do alot of tricks. I can’t progress as fast as I would like and my collection is slowly getting better than my skill. I wish I could be better, as I’m not as good as alot of you guys on here, but whatever. Thanks for the new outlook on things, yoyoing should be about having fun.

My objectives are a bit cleaner, as I have no motivation to sell anything. I want more kids and adults to get into yoyo. Get off the sofa, get moving.

I let kids know that anything I can do they can do. It just takes practice. Just like with their school work, it takes practice to get better.

It’s hard to get kids beyond the instant gratification stage and getting them to realize that this will in fact take work. I am also discovering that kids will pick up on my enthusiasm. The trick is to convert that to self-motivation.

I’ve already far exceeded my expectations, where admittedly were pretty low. I figure if I’m gonna enjoy this, I might as well push myself and see how far I can get and how good I can become.

Skills account for a lot. But, without the proper mindset, the skills won’t come.

SR and Studio42 both nailed my sentiments. I’m using yoyoing right now to teach my ten year old son about long term gratification and setting goals and achieving them.

Yup. And style too.

I should be clear that I don’t make any money off these sales. All the proceeds go to the school’s parent organization.

I share Studio 42’s goal, which he expressed well.

I’ll add as well that there is a deep sense of satisfaction that comes with building a physical skill. Even if you’re frustrated with a trick–no, especially if you’re frustrated with a trick, working on it until you get it gives you something that no passive entertainment ever can. Don’t give up!