There are far, far too many topics where people just list a yoyo they’re playing, or have played, or that’s their favorite. And frankly it’s stupid. Fact: no one really cares what yoyo you’re throwing today, and these types of thread discourage actual conversing and exchange of ideas. I know I’m guilty of contributing to these sorts of threads, but I figured I might as well try and counteract some of the nonsense.
So I’m here to ask you a simple question: What do you like most about yoyoing and why?
I like the fact that it’s so obscure, yet relate-able. It’s evolved from a simple trick into this complex activity in such a short amount of time. You can be doing the hardest trick in your arsenal, but people will still recognize it as a yoyo. There’s really nothing else like it.
I’ve also been sort of a loner my entire life. For the most part, I prefer spending time alone and yoyoing fits the bill perfectly. I can throw on some headphones and be in my own world for as long as I please. And yet it can also be an extremely social activity (très bien!). It’s also one of the few hobbies where there’s always something new. New tricks, new styles, new yoyos, new shapes, new innovations.
We gripe and argue over silly things. Which yoyo is better, who’s the best, when who did what. But at the heart of it all, we all love doing the same thing. So lets focus on that instead.