a Misunderstanding that most "new yoyoers" dont get

I remember when I thought people paying $20 dollars for a yoyo were insane, then I bought a $40 hitman and knew I’d never need another yoyo again. Look at my cases, the house, the car, my work place today. Things sure do change ;D .

So true!

From my own noob experience, I think rather than throwing a lot of money at one expensive yoyo, a noob would be better served to get 2-3 different sized yoyos. I bought 4 yoyos when I first started, 2 new, 2 used for less than $200. They ranged in size from a DV888 to Protostar, to Halo, to H5, and having a wide range of sizes has been a huge help to me in learning tricks. The H5 probably fits into the expensive category, but I got it for almost half the price of new.

The play on these yoyos are all very different from one another. I can learn a trick on a yoyo that’s easier for me (for example, hops=H5, chopsticks=DV888), get it down, then switch yoyos and keep making adjustments. When I feel like I’m getting sloppy, I’ll switch yoyos, which makes me pay more attention to my form. This also helps keep the boredom factor from creeping in.

Heck no it’s not… i pick mine up for the challenge :D. I love that thing but it kicks my butt at the same time so unforgiving.

I like that idea, makes sense. I also think its a good idea to have a few plastics to beat. It doesn’t make your wallet cry when you smash a plastic like it does a nice metal. These things are going to get abused for sure. Might as well abuse the easier replaced throws IMO.

Yuggles tend to throw the wrong way(you know what I mean)

yeah, but it feels sooo good to throw a fancy yoyo.

Definitely noticed it. I’ve benn showing off at school a bit, and it already got me 1 student. This other kid wanted to learn as well, and after never touching a yoyo in his life, he just ordered a Black Spades special edition Dark Magic. lol

how I see it every time they get a fancy throw they never get back to it because it’s too hard so I hope he realizes what he is doing.

I don’t mind that too much. The DM2 is a great beginner yoyo that’s good enough that it won’t frustrate them into quitting.


That it does… that it does…