A Curious Injury

I just got done with my first extended practice session. (About 35 minutes, for comparison, most of my causal sessions are 10min tops) and as i was walking back to my car I noticed the middle finger on my left hand had swollen up. I throw with my right hand so I’m curious about why an injury showed up on my left.

I currently have the swollen finger wrapped up in ice, while im nursing this, I wanted to see if anyone else has encountered this before and knows what may have caused it.

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Perhaps irritation from string rub?

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I don’t think that’s it…like I said I don’t throw with my left hand, the only thing i ever do with that hand is hold the yoyo when Im rewinding it when i mess a trick up…

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So it’s not the finger you catch trapezes and stuff on? What kind of tricks are you working on?

Im still a complete beginner, mostly I’m doing standard sleepers, forward tosses, and the occasional around the world, I haven’t started doing picture tricks or binds, as I want to be certain i have fundamentals mastered first…

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Did you bump the hand at all with the yoyo?

A few times maybe? I was never in pain at any point, but I suppose that could be the reason.

Well I’m sure with a little rest and maybe some Tylenol or ibuprofen you’ll be all set!