A blast from the nostalgic past

This image just turned up in my search for something entirely different.

This image is a great memory for me because all of us were/are friends.

But especially treasured by me because I am the only guy in this picture with lower level yo-yo skills😳

Everyone but me; is well known for having contributed in positive ways to bringing awareness and enthusiasm to yo-yo playing and trick creation.

…I just modded yo-yos.

So I was basically a fan sitting with a table of celebrities. Fine by me.

…From left to right: Gabe Lozano, Tyler Severance, Paul Escolar, Stu-pendous, Nathan Crissey, Mark McBride, Yoshi Mikamoto and Mo the old bald guy.

Side note::: We must have sat there discussing stuff for at least an hour or more. And not one person at the entire table mentioned even one sentence relating to ‘levels of yo-yo vibe’. Not a word. Funny stuff😉



I’m just going to say this, and I don’t mean it offensively in anyway, but Stu totally looks like a Stu.

Makes me remember this moment at Benders from BAC one year. Although no one could be bothered to look at the camera lol. Paul, Steve, Lilia, Seth, Thatch, Gabe, Guy, me, Nathan, Stu, Bojack… Steve Brown and Box were there too but off cam (probably fighting?)

Looking back on these times when we were able to get together as friends (with yo-yo’s just being what happened to bring us to that same place) is awesomely, terribly nostalgic. I want to go back and have those experiences a hundred more times, but they’re more special for just having happened once.
