888x Review

I recently got the 888x by yoyofactory and before I get to the yoyo I have to say that is one spiffy box they put it in I guess such a fine yoyo deserves the most elegant deslpaying conditions right.
Now for the review the 888x is a awesome yoyo great spintime sleek feel in the hand and it plays great i’ve gotten used to the feel of this yoyo and compared to the other yoyos i’ve used they just dont compare. For the price it is a steal. That is all I have to say.

That was a pretty good short review. Next time try to add some pics and maybe a little more detail.
But anyway, nice job!

Keep working! :wink:

Next time. go into the specs alot more detalis, pics would be nice, and just longer. this was more of a quick summary. it was ok