888 by YoYoFactory Returns in Three Classic Colors!

YoYoFactory’s 888 returns in three classic colors! Red, Aqua, and Silver featuring their classic logos!

The 888 is YoYoFactory’s original full metal yo-yo, it ignited the trend for such designs and gained global recognition after being wielded by the 2007 World 1A Division Champion, Yuuki Spencer.

Its compact size and strategically distributed weight on the outer edges addressed the rotational power issue often encountered with smaller yo-yos, making it the preferred choice for players proficient in intricate tricks.


Good God, want!


Recently brought one! To get back into it and teach my nephew! Used compete in late 90’s. Love learning new stuff as we didn’t have none responsive back then. Was wandering if there’s a way to make it responsive so i can teach my nephew the basics as i got him a responsive to learn on! If so what products id need specifically for the 888 as im not sure. And is it easy to switch between.

I imagine a half spec bearing and short axle would work, I would have to look up the size tho. Probably the DV888 axle is what I would go by. Alternatively, you can double loop the string on the bearing and if it still isn’t responsive, add another loop!

Thank you so much ! Pretty sure ive got what i need!

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