5️⃣🅰️ May 2023

day 2 for me. 5a is really fun :slight_smile: came up with my first trick, featuring one whole cw movement(!)


I’m using plastic until I can get a handle on Bee Stings. I feel like I’m so close, but my dumb hands won’t cooperate.


What imo helps a lot with bee stings if you practice with an heavy Yoyo. It give you a more intense feeling of the motion and then you easily can do it in any throw.


Thanks, I’ll have to try that. I actually hit it sloppily a couple times after posting this. Trying to clean it up today and post a video because we need more videos in this thread!


Agree with this 100%. I was mostly using my Mega Crash to be silly, but after hitting a couple bee stings on it and going back to regular sized yoyos, they were easier than ever. I would say I just unlocked the trick (hitting it more than 50% of the time) yesterday.

Keep at it!


I’m not sure if this helps or not but it did for me personally. If you’re stuck on that transition to your middle finger where the string intersects, try practicing that transition from a double on trapeze instead of trying to from a 360. I know there’s a half sting to help with that as well but I found that with a double on you have a little bit more time to see exactly when you should be hopping as the yoyo comes off the string. In terms of lighter or heavier yoyo I can’t debate that I’m still throwing a cw on all my throws to see what I like best. So far I’ve found that lighter is better for me and the quick transitions


My biggest issue at this point is training my hand to only stick my middle finger out as the CW is coming around. My hand keeps wanting to stick out my ring and pinky fingers too for some reason (probably due to some bad 1A habits). I’ve been trying to isolate that roll on/off movement into my muscle memory.


I think it may help with that too. The double on trapeze basically just gives you an extra second to get ready for the transition, might help ya to remember to only stick out that middle finger


If you haven’t already tried it, learn reverse bee sting first. It helps teach the finger transfer, and pulling against the force of the counterweight (without pinching, you should never be pinching during a bee sting).

Also if you aren’t already short short short short short string. I know people love to insist on long string, but short string is so much easier to control. And when I say short I mean like 90cm short. If your string is over 100cm, that’s very long for 5A.


Good to know! Dylan in his Bee Sting tutorial said to pinch it, but it didn’t feel right.

The reverse seems doable to me now that I’m getting more comfortable with the motions. Also I’ve been using pretty short string so that is helping me keep better control.


I measured and I was at like 110cm and that felt…not short or long but just right to me :face_with_hand_over_mouth: oops! I should use a ruler on all my strings…

I’m down to like 97cm now from axle to the beginning of the cw…definitely easier to control everything! The pace of play is faster but not too fast. I like it for learning and skill building and hopefully, this length can become comfortable bc it feels a little awkward to me so far …it’s only been like 10 mins w/ the short string tho so we’ll see…I also like landing tricks a lot more than messing them up so I will probably force the comfort somehow…also beestings look super super sick!


That’s so weird that he’d say to pinch. The entire concept of a bee sting is that the force of the counterweight tugging the string in one direction will allow you to pull the yoyo in the opposite direction without a pinch. That relationship between the yoyo and the force of the counterweight is the trick, and pinching entirely removes all interaction between the yoyo and counterweight.

Jake in the tutorial says to learn normal bee sting as a pre-requisite, but imo reverse bee stings are easier and immediately let you feel that relationship of pulling the yoyo against the tug of the counterweight.


Super sloppy but stoked on finally landing this one. Been trying for a while to hit three cross armed pops in a row during an e-fan and finally got it for the first time.


Had not much Yoyo time the last two weeks because of stressful work. But working on smoother integration of dragon blade 2 bee sting and chopstick 2 bee sting into my combos.


This is what I love about yoyoing. You take something that is seemingly impossible and just keep trying to do it anyway until it’s possible. Stubbornness is a virtue.


Just goofing today…still adjusting to barracudas new response and 5a shorter string so one of these binds slips…also who has the 5a world record eli hop height?


Still messing around and working on basics.


:heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire: :heart_on_fire:
Nice trick!


Good stuff, thanks. You may want to post that in the What are you listening to thread


Beesting!! Super happy to have wrapped my head around this one. Was at a loss last year.