4a yoyo

hey guys I want to get my first 4a yoyo and was wondering which one i should get. Thanks ;D

All I can say is GOOD LUCK!!! ;D


I am also wanting ti get into 4a and I’ve heard great things about the yyj Aquarius… I’ve also been told that it was discontinued, So it’s gonna be sort of tough to find one. (I found some on another site but I don’t think we’re supposed to post other sited on this forum, if you want the link just pm me)

p.s. they are also over priced by about 15 bucks (There around $35.00 plus shipping) which is the only reason I didn’t order one when I found them 5 minutes ago…

It’s okay to post links to other sites, as long as it’s a product that’s sold on that site, and not here.

My favorite 4a yoyo is the Pocket Change with Offstring rims. Definitly worth the having to buy two yoyos, but a lot of sites sell them together for cheaper.

But what if this site does sell the product and they just happen to be out of stock? Because yye technically has the Aquarius on the site.

I know, I’m totally over thinking matter

Then you couldn’t, but if it was discontunued, I’m pretty sure you would. I doubt the OP would want to buy an aquarius for $20 more than the original price anyways

It is on a STORE that sells YO-YOs. Happy?

Personally I like the BigYo more than the Aquarius. Mainly because the Aquarius snags to much, I think Paolo found a way to fix this though. The Bigyo is also just a lot easier to catch.

The Hayabusa or Flying Panda are both great choices.

Agreed. Plus, they’re relativly cheap, so no big deal to replace if you break one.

i just started 4A and i have a big yo. i hit my face twice yesterday and the bigyo doesn’t have rubber rims so it hurt a lot, but not as bad as when i hit myself with a DV888. still, the bigyo is a good choice, but it is all i tried.

YYF offstring is quite similar in shape and response as the Aquarius