I just started 2A yoyo-ing not too long ago. I have the concept down and I’ve covered a lot of tricks. I started 2A with the Yomega Fireball. The yoyo dies easily as well as the momentum. Any type of angle throws I do, the yoyo will die or BARELY come back to my hand. I’ve been able to bare with this for a while but now it’s just getting to a fustrating point. I think it’s time for a new 2A yoyo’s. Ones that I can throw at whatever angle and the yoyo can come back to my hand easier, and one that does not die when I throw an Around the World >:( I’m also not looking for the sleep time to be out of the world either but something that will do better than the Fireball. I don’t even wanna let anyone know how long it lasted me :-[ With that being said… does anyone have any recomendations?
I’ve heard the Yomega RAIDER is decent. One of my favorite 2A Yoyoist Patrick Mitchell says he uses the Raider from the Yomega Maina DVD when I first started yoyoing… also when Pat was a part of Yomega