2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

The situation in world is definitely allowing for some Yo time. Its Tuesday again, so getting in some 2A. My Glow in the dark pair of 720s with blue and red spacers. I saw one of the YouTubers do a review of one of YYF Play YoYo Collection the Black Cat as a matter of fact. He thinks it’s not good for looping. The GO! is just a rebranded 720 with a plastic transaxle instead or a bearing and spacers by the way, and there is a AA yoyo club version as well which did pretty well at 2A Worlds, even though it was modded to be a 720 with ceramic bearings. When YYF released the 2020, they did an awesome video on how string and string lengths affects looping. In brief long strings will make your loops sag compared to shorter ones. I’ve had a Black Cat since they released, as I wanted to 1/2 swap my Glow 720s. But I really liked the Black Cat out of the box and made it a daily non dominat hand trainer to tighten up my 2A play. Recently I’ve also really have liked it for 0A play as well. Either way I play it, I still keep the string shorter than I do for 1A and I think that’s where Mr YouTuber’s looping fail is, shorten your strings and your loops will drastically improve.