2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Cotton strings or Slick 6 is what I’ve done to get more grip out of the Statrburst. They do sleep more than 720s

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Shortening the axle is the only way to get those halves closer. And getting those halves closer is the only way to really improve the response.

After modifying my raiders, I don’t particularly care for them :weary: I want to because of the size and weight. But alas…. I did get some Spectrum Ex though. Let’s see how those are


Are you :skull::peach: right now? That $#!+ is :fire:

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720 spacers would not fit in my raiders. I got them working super well using 181 axles and metal hornet spacers

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I had to modify 720 spacers to fit in my vintage glow Fireballs.

Happy Tuesday.

Hot take: out of all my loopers, the 2020 sounds the worst when it collides with my wedding ring.




Black and yellow are such a good half swap


I switched back to my loop 720’s.


**Requesting Help **

Ok speaking of 720’s…. I have these set up to the Shu video. One red, one blue spacer. 4 drops of Earl, and 85cm string. This seemingly loops more up and hops / punching bags more down than I prefer. Can I technique this out or…. Is it a me problem? I could add 5cm of stringaling but then everything is slow (er).

If you like your strings longer, play them longer.

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I don’t know what I like :joy:

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So you can correct with technique. 2A is finding a technique plus equipment combo that works for you. It’s hard to know what’s “better” and what’s just “not what I’m used to.”

Let me find the chart up thread but you can also I think try a thinner string to bring the loops down.



So thicker or thinner string is equivalent to adjusting gap smaller or larger in that chart.


The biggest problem with 2a for me is : what percentage is “I suck” vs “my set up sucks”
The weldor / machinist in me needs some definites!! :joy:

The unfortunate part is that I don’t personally know anyone that throws 2a, and I’d be willing to drive. I haven’t met another yo-yo player in Vegas in probably 20 years. It would be cool to use someone else’s set up as comparison

My primary 720 setup is red and blue spacer with OTS slim in pink. I can measure string length for you shortly.