Happy 2a Tuesday!! While working on crisscross around the world, I got the best blooper ever! Or at least I think it’s hilarious
Happy 2a Tuesday!! While working on crisscross around the world, I got the best blooper ever! Or at least I think it’s hilarious
Happy 2a Tuesday!! My friend Mayo painted up a little artwork on my loop 720. I told him he had free rein and just go to town. This is what he came up with.
Also I got my 4-way color swapped hornets going on. Edit, forgot to say these are sans one shim and running XIKE MR84-2RS bearings (searchable on Amazon)
Happy 2a 2sday. Even the coworkers gotta deal with it. lol
loops were originally slated to arrive yesterday but it would seem they were destined to arrive on their proper day to make them official 2a tuesday throws! im at 3 loops with dh and ndh can up and down and basic forward pass as a starting point. lets gooooo!
I’m back!
yalls loops look like butta! ill post mine later but basically i frantically throw a handful of loops out before i lose control and spaz into my collar bone or chest twice now ive caught it like a scene from a movie like an inch before smacking my face. im trying to keep my yoyo facial scars to a 1 count…
Happy 2a Tuesday!!! I’m working on some stuff. NGL, I feel like I have regressed rather than progress but I guess there’s things I can do now that I never did before. Working on mad weavings….
Ps. I’m so in like with Duncan Hornets right now.
yea you certainly look frustrated, but ur tricks are lookin great! you’re probably doing what many of us do and just being overly critical of yourself. still havent gotten around to filming my looping progress but I’m starting to lock in the feeling and i can get a few clean loops before it starts floppin like a fish outta water
What string are you using on those? They feel like they have a bigandthickandjuicy gap to me. I was using a type 10 string and it felt pretty decent
It’s OTS Thin. I play OTS Thin on basically all of my loopers right now.
I feel like the colors have a little more thickicity than the white. I have OTS thin white and it’s pretty legit.
I have OTS in all thicknesses so I chose colors to differentiate. The normal is white.
Yomega is on the comeback, side note Raiders and Fireballs can take YYF 720 Spacers and the same K bearings. I’m starting to see them more in Box Stores as well.
Are they selling them with shorter axles installed?
Edit: I would also just love to be able to buy first party shorter axles period.
Not sure, but the PB (Plastic Bearing) seat is the same. Might be a little modding to get them to your preference. But these have great weight (heavier) and the plastic has a different feel then 720s
I can’t get a good response out of the raiders I bought last year. I’ve tried all the spacers, lube, everything but a shorter axle.