2A Tuesdays ( a Looping Thread)

Yes, the real 5A

P.S. This is 10 minutes of experience in 5A please don’t roast me


Love it this is what I expected thank you.

UNPRLD Loop Ups tonight. Still working crossover and haven’t declared a successful one yet.


I’m getting semi consistent with crossovers. Hops are still bad and outside loops are still not very good. I was getting dangerously close to successfully doing a tangler though


I have not even attempted Tangler. I’ve been occasionally working on Time Warp and Warp Drive but none of the other fun Around the World tricks.

I get good runs of Hops but then sometimes I don’t get any :grin:

I sometimes practice outer loop on every 4th of a set of inner loops (all one handed so far). I can’t do a sustained set of outer loops like I can inner but I imagine I will use outer loops more sparingly.


Tangler is not as hard as it seems, I don’t think. It definitely looks intimidating. I’m still far from perfecting it but I did land it once.

I am still at the point with outer loops where I try to practice them individually without mixing them into regular loops. I at least try to make all my practice two handed


I find when I exclusively practice two handed I get worse, especially with hops.

Throwing my original pair (well, original triple) of 720s with Sunrise kits tonight.

I realize one of the reasons I always recommend the 720 as the starter looping throw is because I basically never wonder if my setup is wrong and attribute all my failures to me, whereas other throws I might suspect the setup and try to tighten the gap or play with shims and spacers. I guess I’ve said “they’re reliable” but this is kind of a new angle on it.


2A not exactly loops for the looping thread


It’s inner loops but every 4th I outer loop the dominant hand. The non-dominant is still consistently hitting me in the arm switching from inner to outer.


Happy Tuesday!

Throwing my Sochi Loop Spinners today. I’m setting a intention today to focus on the return pull of my inner loops. I can feel a spot where the string occasionally has no tension as it passes closest to my hand, which sends the throw off course.


What string are you using wirh your Loop Spinners?

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Dang dude. Those are looking so smooth!!!

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Sochi Loop.


The 10 count paks are already sold out. :frowning:

I bought a pair of sochi loop spinners. Loving them so far. Does anyone happen to know what spacer setup will allow these to work with normal thickness string. Have kitty normal on them and the gap is so tight they don’t want to sleep. It came stock with black and purple spacers also shipped with a silver but that seems to be even tighter gap. Also they use the blitzball spacers?


try both in half/half setup (black and purple spacer) and apply some right amount of thick and thin lube on the bearing and axle

Ok it’ll try that. Didn’t think of lube because figured that would make them more responsive.

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Yo wassup y’all. If any of y’all have two minutes of tricks and would wanna put together a routine, consider entering the ante Yoyo contest. There are only 3 2a competitors registered so far and it would be cool to see more ppl compete and y’all can like win stuff. Here’s the link to the contest https://anteyoyo.com/


I have been working all year.

I do not have 2 minutes of tricks.



I also don’t have 2 minutes of tricks barely have a minute of loops and hops